Common "Pregnancy" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


Pregnancy is the period from the formation of an embryo in a female womb till childbirth. It is also called gestation period, and it usually lasts for 40 weeks from the last menstrual period. The symptoms of pregnancy include missed periods, nausea, vomiting, implantation bleeding, and breast tenderness.

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Is it possible that I got pregnant with only foreplay and no intercourse?

Query: Hello doctor, My periods are a 28-day cycle. I was sexually intimate with a man, 15 days after my menstruation. There was no intercourse, but only foreplay, causing a lot of fluid discharge. I have not got my periods yet. Also, by mistake, I took the Regestrone 5 tablet before dinner instead of afte...  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello. Welcome to I have seen the reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity).Your serum beta hCG levels are 2501 mIU/mL, which clearly confirms that you are pregnant. The urine pregnancy test is negative as it is positive only eight days after your missed periods. Rege...  Read Full »

My wife's scan shows breech position. Is it concerning?

Query: Hi doctor, My wife is 29 weeks pregnant. Today we had one ultrasound scan and the report is as follows. Single live fetus in breech presentation and 2v umbilical cord. Is this a big problem? Will it cause any problem to my baby during or after birth? Thank you.  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The breech position is not a concern at the moment as it might change till 34 weeks in all and can become cephalic. Your wife's ultrasound report does not show any good sign for the baby's development and a single umbilical artery (2 vessel umbilical cord) is an aber...  Read Full »

My wife takes glutathione supplements. Will it affect her pregnancy?

Query: Hello doctor, My 25-year-old wife is planning to use Glutathione as one of her dietary supplements. She is still trying to conceive. Is that okay? Is it safe? Will it still be okay to take Glutathione during pregnancy? What other dietary supplements would you recommend?  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Glutathione is a master antioxidant that plays an important role in the development and growth of the fetus. In the placenta, Glutathione detoxifies pollutants before they reach the developing child. Glutathione also supports your immune function, which is important...  Read Full »

Kindly provide an opinion on my NT scan and double marker test.

Query: Hi doctor, I am 12 weeks 3 days pregnant. I got my NT scan and double marker blood test results. NT value 1.7 mm at CRL of 52.6 mm, free beta hCG 1.29 MOM, PAPP-A 0.37 MOM, trisomy 21+NT risk 1:513, trisomy 21 1:214 and trisomy 13/18+NT. What is your opinion?  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The NT value (nuchal translucency) is normal as it is less than 2.5 mm, but the overall trisomy 21 risks being 1:214 and together risk 1:513 . This ideally calls for a quadruple test after one week. If the cut-off bar in the graph is over the cut-off line, then it cal...  Read Full »

Can you please interpret the results of my double marker test?

Query: Hi doctor, I want to know about the double marker test results. I am uploading the reports.  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have seen the reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity) and understand your concern. The result is in the high-risk zone, and the next test would be a quadruple test done after two weeks to check for risk of aneuploidies.   Read Full »

I had miscarriages and now trying to conceive. Please guide.

Query: Hello doctor,I have a past history of two miscarriages at 18 weeks. Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy confirmed cervical incompetence and my polypoidal endometrium was removed. I conceived again with a follicle test procedure during which CG 10000 was injected into my blood, but unfortunately, I had to u...  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The fact that you had two miscarriages at 18th weeks of gestation which were spontaneous and that leech wilkinson canula went inside uterus during hysterosalpingography procedure attempted prior hysteroscopy confirms cervical incompetence here (attachment removed to ...  Read Full »

HSG report shows some problem in left fallopian tube. Can I conceive naturally?

Query: Hi doctor, Recently, I have gone for all relevant test for checking infertility. My AMH and thyroid report are both normal. My HSG report is showing issues about the left tube. I am attaching my report kindly review and let me know if I can conceive naturally or next what should I do?  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The HSG (hysterosalpingogram) report (attachment removed to protect patient identity) shows that there is a left sided cornual block of the left fallopian tube but the right is patent, so pregnancy is possible, but that would depend on the ovarian side which ovulates...  Read Full »

What does PAPP-A screen test of 1.9 and hCG level of 65.6 indicate?

Query: Hi doctor, My wife has done a PAPP-A screen test and results are 1.9 and hCG level 65.6. She is 12 weeks pregnant. Please advise regarding the same. Thank you.  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You need to attach the complete report issued by the laboratory. Important thing is the graph and the MoM (multiple of the median) values which have been calculated as per the gestational age. The risk is calculated accordingly. In case of Down's syndrome, there is ...  Read Full »

Does irregular period after unprotected sex mean pregnancy?

Query: Hello doctor, My periods suddenly stopped after a few hours. Then, it started again the next day and stopped again. I had unprotected sex six days before my periods started. Could I be pregnant? Please reply as soon as possible.  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to If your menses have started after your sexual episode, then it is unlikely that you would be pregnant at all. There is endometrial shedding occurring and hence, you would not be pregnant. However, you may get a serum beta hCG test done to confirm. If the hCG levels a...  Read Full »

NT scan shows placenta is fundo posterior lower edge reaching internal os. Can I travel?

Query: Hi doctor, Our 12 weeks NT scan indicates developing placenta is fundo posterior lower edge reaching internal OS. The doctor advised 30 days complete bed rest. I need your opinion on the same case and also doing an ultrasound scan after two weeks. This scan was done 10 days back and since then I am...  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to At 12 weeks gestation with placenta fundo-posterior with lower edge reaching internal is a fairly acceptable finding for early pregnancy. It does not really call for bed rest if there has been no episode of any bleeding per vaginum. The safest distance of placenta is...  Read Full »

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