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HomeAnswersUrologyprostate enlargementWhat is the best medicine to cure prostate enlargement?

What is the best cure for prostate enlargement?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At December 7, 2018
Reviewed AtMay 9, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I have the condition of enlargement of the prostate for the last over five years. I am 53 years old. I am taking capsule Urimax 40 mg once in a day and I am able to manage the condition. However, it seems that of late, my libido is negative and the sex life is absolutely zero. Though sex at this age is not important but sometimes for the sake of feeling that you are not 70 years male one desires to feel with a certain enthusiasm. So could you please let me know that whether the prostate enlargement and the Urimax is having a fallout on my libido and poor sex life? Is there any mild medicine for the treatment of this condition which is not having any side effect and is not habit forming and has no withdrawal symptoms if the medicine is discontinued after use?

Answered by Dr. Karthik Rajan


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I have gone through your query. The symptoms of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), if severe can have a negative impact on the sexual drive of the person. The medication that you are currently taking, does not have any effect on libido but itself. That said the most likely reason in your case must be reduced testosterone levels, which can be checked. If reduced, you can be given supplemental testosterone. Also, if your symptoms of BPH are not very severe, there are medications that improve erectile function which are effective for early BPH as well. You can consult with your treating urologist for changing your medication and see if there is an improvement.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

I am not consulting any urologist for the last five years and I am only regularly taking one capsule Uromax 4 mg every day and I am able to perfectly manage my condition of an enlarged prostate. I am taking medical advice for my anxiety disorder from a psychiatrist and for my constipation from a gastroenterologist and taking the following medications. For anxiety disorder, capsule Venlor XR 75 mg BD, Nexito 5 BD, Qutipin 25 mg OD, For acute chronic constipation, tablet Pruvict 2mg OD and capsule Pantocid L OD. I do not want to visit any urologist now when my condition of enlarged prostate is getting managed for the last five years simply by taking one capsule of Uromax 0.4 mg. Could you kindly, therefore, advise me about my other issue which I have explained in my previous query about the libido and absolutely nil sex drive. Again I would like to share with you that sex and libido may not be very important thing at my age but still I wanted to find out the reason and if with some mild medication which is not having side effect the condition can be improved.

Could you please advise me a line of medical prescription for this which gradually can improve the condition. I have strong will power and do sufficient physical exercises and try to do lot of reading about medical conditions and about the psychology disorders. If you medically think that the personal life naturally gets over at 53 years, I would not bother myself and the doctor for looking for the reason for my condition regarding libido and negative sex drive. But if there are medical reasons and can be treated with very mild medication or by any natural therapy I would seek your advise both medical and non-medical because taking more stringent medication for this condition may affect my gut and other bodily symptoms.

Answered by Dr. Karthik Rajan


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

The medications which you are taking for your anxiety disorders, all of them cause sexual dysfunction as a side effect. Excluding that based on your medical history, there appears to be no obvious cause for your sudden decrease in sex drive. I would advise you to have a discussion with your psychiatrist to reduce the medication or the dosage. With you taking so many other medications, it would not be advisable for you to take any additional hormonal supplementation.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Karthik Rajan
Dr. Karthik Rajan


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