Common "Psychological Effects" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Psychological Effects

The effects of both physical and psychosocial (mental) health are always considered when determining the etiology of an illness or treatment outcome. The term "psychological effect" refers to those effects that alter physical health by affecting the function of consciousness, feeling, or motivation. The most common health-associated psychological effects are stress, anxiety, depression, increased hunger, and sleep disturbances.

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There is penile movement when I concentrate on my penis. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I have semen in urine sometimes. While sitting or lying if I concentrate on my penis, I start having strokes. I cannot control in the flaccid position. While I do sit-ups there is a movement in the penis. It started from nightfall and my urge of not to masturbate. It is because of dep...  Read Full »

Dr. Seikhoo Bishnui

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can understand your concern. Lack of masturbation and lack of sex results in a spontaneous flow of semen via urine. This occurs in order to allow new sperm to form. This is a normal phenomenon and this does not cause any effects on health. This will not result in w...  Read Full »

My fiance acts weird due to previous trauma. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor, I just want to know what kind of mental illness my fiance has. When she was 11, her mom's fiance shot her in front of my fiance and when he turned the shot gun on himself he told her to look. I just want to know if that could be a reason for why she acts a little weird and off sometim...  Read Full »

Dr. Seikhoo Bishnui

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Yes, if she has witnessed such life threatening trauma in her young age, she might act weird sometimes. But that does not mean that she has any psychiatric illness. You should focus on your relationship with her and give her proper time and she will come out of her psy...  Read Full »

I am having a habit of anal masturbation. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have a problem with sex related to long anal masturbution and it is causing my life at risk. I cannot concentrate properly on my studies. I am feeling constantly with my anus. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Asma Sajid Shaikh

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have read your query but it is not very clear. You have not mentioned how many times you masturbate or if it is causing problems other than psychological, and the exact nature of these psychological issues. However, I will address the last part directly where you fee...  Read Full »

How do lowering the dose of Xanax plays a role in psychologial effects?

Query: Hi doctor, I have been taking 4 mg of Xanax a day to treat severe panic attack syndrome and associated high levels of general anxiety for 15 years. My doctor arrived at the 4 mg per day amount gradually and it works very well along with CBT from a therapist. Before two months, when I received the...  Read Full »

Dr. Saraswat Kumarshri Shriniwas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to There are a few clarifications and advice that I need to make. Reducing the dosage of Alprazolam results in Alprazolam withdrawal. A reduction by 25% is unlikely to be physically dangerous but the withdrawal symptoms are going to be highly unpleasant. The anxiety ...  Read Full »

How can I have a better sex drive?

Query: Hi doctor, I am having issues while doing intercourse. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Bharat Udey

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Explain your problem in detail so that I can understand the problem and can provide you with an effective solution for the same. For more information consult a sexologist online -->  Read Full »

We are newly married, and we hardly have healthy sex. How to overcome this?

Query: Hello doctor, I got married one year ago. And we have sex occasionally, like maybe once in a month that too once my husband obtains an erection. It is always me who gets upset and fight when he comes close. We are newly married, and I hardly experienced a healthy sexual life. Kindly help.  Read Full »

Dr. Seikhoo Bishnui

Answer: Hi, Welcome to If he is not regular in sex, then there is a need for evaluation. Having sex once or twice a month is not sufficient. If his erections are poor, try to talk with him and find out if anything is bothering him. Also, get his serum testosterone levels done to rule out ...  Read Full »

I have intrusive thoughts after violent movies. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, Are violent video games and other visual entertainment terrible for people with schizophrenia, or does it depend from person to person? For example, I possibly have mild to medium schizophrenia that manifests in foolish and intrusive thoughts. I did not observe being affected by violen...  Read Full »

Dr. Vishal Anilkumar Gandhi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Thank you for consulting with us. A person who has schizophrenia has difficulty differentiating between virtual and real life. People suffering from mild symptoms will not have any problem with video games or violent movies. However, a schizophrenic patient gets violent ...  Read Full »

How can I help my husband improve his skills in oral sex?

Query: Hello doctor,My husband has a shorter penis, measuring around 3.5 inches after erection. He is not skilled in oral sex either. When he fingers me, it feels more like a duty rather than something he enjoys. This situation does not make me feel positive; instead, it makes me feel uncomfortable, negati...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Answer: Hello,Welcome to of all, I would like to inform you that having a smaller-sized penis may only have psychological disadvantages and not real physical disadvantages, as a penis as small as 3 inches can still stimulate all the sensitive areas of the female vagina. However, the size o...  Read Full »

Could the bleeding and sensation I experience while flossing be a sign of internal tooth decay?

Query: Hello, doctor,When I floss the gums between my top right third teeth, it gives me great satisfaction and encourages me to floss with more pressure. I do feel some sensation, but it is not sensitivity. However, I noticed that it bleeds quite a bit during this process. I do not experience the same sen...  Read Full »

Dr. Purva Jingar

Answer: Hello,Welcome to understand your concern. I advise you to avoid flossing between your teeth if it is causing psychological satisfaction or making you feel violent. While flossing is generally good for oral hygiene, if it triggers such emotions, it may indicate a psychological aspect at...  Read Full »

I have had eye tics for the last two years and ophthalmic test results are normal. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor, I developed an eye tic two years back, where I was forcefully blinking my right eye. I did this for around five months which affected my daily life. Then, with the practice of meditation and breathing exercise, the tic reduced drastically. But I think it altered the movements of my rig...  Read Full »

Dr. Aida Abaz Quka

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern and recommend starting Gabapentin or low-dose Clonazepam to help release muscle tension. Another possible treatment option is Fluvoxamine, which can help treat OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) and psychogenic tics like in your case. I ho...  Read Full »

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