Common "Pulse Rate" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Pulse Rate

The pulse rate or heart rate is the number of times the heart beats in a minute. At rest, the normal pulse rate should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute, higher or lower heart rate does not necessarily mean a medical problem. The factors that can affect your pulse rate are air temperature, body position, weight, and use of certain medicines.

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My child's pulse rate fell after epinephrine. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor, I am reviewing the patient care of a 4-year-old child diagnosed with the flu. He was having trouble breathing, so we called an ambulance. I was very apprehensive about him receiving any drugs from a doctor. His pulse was 149, 161, and 150 bpm. The medic then said his pulse was falling,...  Read Full »

Dr. Faisal Abdul Karim Malim

Answer: Hello, Welcome to An ECG should have been done immediately to see if the child was having VT, SVT, or anything else that would require you to slow down the heart. Based on the ECG, the next step could have been planned. This is because you have only written to me about the heart rate....  Read Full »

Chills and vomiting after hypertensive medications. Why?

Query: Hello doctor,The patient suddenly feels chills all over the body after taking a beta blocker, calcium channel blocker, Clopidogrel, Aspirin, and Atorvastatin. She is unable to stand, walk or move. The BP monitor shows error and is not showing any BP value. When checked in sphygmomanometer there is K...  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Majid Hanif

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have reviewed your query and can understand you are worried about a patient who is feeling a bunch of symptoms. Thanks for adding the detailed medications she is taking. From her overall scenario, based on the information provided, it seems she may be having issues...  Read Full »

My daughter's pulse oximeter's reading is fluctuating rapidly. Is this normal?

Query: Hello doctor, My 9-year-old daughter has symptoms of a viral infection (low fever, sore throat, stuffy nose). When she went to sleep, I checked her blood oxygen level with a pulse oximeter. Her blood oxygen level is normal, but her pulse fluctuates from 69 to 98 pretty quickly. Is this normal?  Read Full »

Dr. Prashant Valecha

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can understand your concern. Usually, heart rate is higher in children below 12 years. When a person has a fever, the heart rate increases and this fluctuation can also be seen. Fluctuation can also occur because the pulse oximeter sensor cannot sometimes stabilize...  Read Full »

Is it normal to have variation in the pulse rate during walking and at rest?

Query: Hi doctor, I am 28 year old. My sugar level is normal, TSH is 2.91 mIU/L and cholesterol is 203 mg/dL. I am facing a problem with my pulse rate. It is between 115 to 120 beats per minute when I walk or do any activity. But when I am in rest, it ranges between 80 to 100 beats per minute. I feel light...  Read Full »

Dr. Prashant Valecha

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Cholesterol is in upper borderline. It will come down with low cholesterol diet and exercise daily. Heart rate more than 100 beats per minute while walking is fine. From your history lightheadedness is the only problem. Is this lightheadedness significant? Do you fee...  Read Full »

I noticed an IHB after my son's BP check-up. What is it?

Query: Hi doctor, A few days back, I was measuring BP using electronic BP monitor on my 11 year old kid. I observed irregular heartbeat symbol blinking after measurement, and that got me worried. I measured eight times again in the last two days and got IHB symbol for around 4 out of 8 times. His average B...  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Blood pressure is normal, although a bit on higher side. There is no reason for him to have irregular beats. Is he having any symptoms like episodic palpitations or very rapid heart beat, chest heaviness or shortness of breath? If not, then that is most probably a...  Read Full »

Why do the pulse rate and CO2 levels spike after a heart attack?

Query: Hi doctor, A few days ago, he experienced a heart attack and was subsequently admitted to the hospital. While initially showing signs of improvement, this morning, his pulse rate spiked to 160 bpm, and there is an increase in CO2 levels. Since then, he has been unconscious and is currently on a ven...  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Zohaib Siddiq

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Thank you for your query. Sad to know about him. Raised CO2 and Low O2 in blood is type 2 respiratory failure. Ventilatory support is provided till the acute issue resolves like respiratory tract infection, exacerbation of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...  Read Full »

My pulse rate keeps fluctuating on the monitor. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I notice whenever I am hooked up to a monitor. It reads a pulse on a pulsometer. My pulse is never steady. It bounces around each second and not gradually or one by one. It goes from 75, 82, 86, 92, 84, 101, and then back to 94 and 87. It bounces within a 15 to 30 beat range. Is thi...  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Zohaib Siddiq

Answer: Hello, Welcome to rate between 60 to 100 beats per minute is called a normal range. Pulse rate remains on the lower side during rest and sleep and on the upper side during activity, fear, fever, etc. During exercise, it may go well beyond 100 beats per minute. Monitors are machine...  Read Full »

Do I need to maintain my pulse below 140 during exercise?

Query: Hello doctor,I walk and jog for 40 minutes, and my pulse crosses 165 beats per minute. My age is 39 years, and obese. Taking Olmesartan 20 mg for blood pressure and taking Rosuvastatin 5 mg for cholesterol. I read that one should not exercise more than 140 counts keeping in view my age. Please let m...  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hello, Welcome to No, there is no such cut-off that exists. Now, for your age, you can exercise till your heart rate reach around 180. It also depends upon your exercise capacity whether you are able to do it or not without excessive shortness of breath or other symptoms like chest pa...  Read Full »

Why is my ECG normal and heart rate high?

Query: Hi doctor, I recently observed that my heart rate (including the resting one) is high. Resting rate is between 75 to 85 beats per minute and an average brisk walking rate is around 115 to 120 beats per minute. When I was unaware, I lived a perfectly normal life with 15 to 16 active hours. However, w...  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Regarding your heart rate, it is fine to have a resting heart rate of 75 to 84 beats per minute. It does not signify any major abnormalities. Exercise, stress, anxiety, smoking, caffeine can certainly lead to pulse rate elevation. So, as you mentioned, your ECG (elec...  Read Full »

Is it good to hear heartbeat and pulse in the right ear?

Query: Hello doctor, I hear my pulse and heartbeat-like sound in my right ear if I bend over, especially after exercise or eating food. Is it normal? Can it be due to blood pressure or is it due to any blockage in my blood vessel near my ear?  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Majid Hanif

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The symptoms you feel are called as heart palpitations. It may be due to thyroid disease, anxiety, heart disease, blood pressure or many other reasons. You need to consult your cardiologist for proper evaluation of the cause and to treat that accordingly. Diagnosis is t...  Read Full »

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