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HomeAnswersPreventive medicinerecurrent sicknessWill playing in warm and stinky pool cause infections in children?

My kids were playing in a dirty pool while I was mowing my lawn. Should I watch them for sickness?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. R. Rahul

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Sushrutha M.

Published At July 11, 2021
Reviewed AtJanuary 18, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I was mowing my lawn tonight, and my kids played as I mowed. Not thinking anything of it, they jumped into their day and a half old water kids pool. They played for about 20 minutes. As I got close to the water more, I realized the water was warm and stinky. Should I watch them for any sickness after that? I, of course, looked it up when we came in, and the brain-eating amoeba is in all the articles, and I am panicking. Kindly give your opinion.

Answered by Dr. R. Rahul


Welcome to icliniq.com.

As per the history provided, the pool was warm and stinky. As such, there is no need to panic regarding the brain-eating amoeba as it is very rare. What you should be cautious about is the skin rash. Ask if they drank the water? If yes lookout for any food poisoning or loose motions. Watch out for any fever and urinary tract infections. If anything, it should show up in two to three days. Otherwise, it is all fine. If you want to be double sure, you can send the water sample for testing for any contamination. I hope this was helpful. Please get back if you have further doubts.

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you.

I feel much better. The amoeba articles scared me. I felt super bad for not emptying it before they could have gotten in it. I will keep an eye out for the other things. I will get back if I have further doubts.

Answered by Dr. R. Rahul


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Dr. R. Rahul
Dr. R. Rahul

General Practitioner

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