Common "Retinal Detachment" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment is an emergency condition in which the retina of the eye gets pulled away from its normal position. It leads to the separation of retinal cells from the blood vessel layer that provides nourishment and supplies oxygen to the eye. It may increase the risk of permanent loss of vision of the affected eye if left untreated.

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My eyes are sensitive to light, and I can see floaters. What can I do?

Query: Hello doctor, I have always been a little sensitive to light, maybe because I work a lot in front of a screen. I have seen some eye floaters for a couple of years when looking at something bright-like in snow, white screen, or skies. Two weeks ago, my eyes got very tired after using a smartphone scr...  Read Full »

Dr. Akshay Uday Nayak

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I can understand your concern. I had taken a look at the image (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity) there is nothing to worry about. Floaters are extremely common. Almost everyone at some point in their lives sees it. We only worry when floaters inc...  Read Full »

I have been hearing a lot about myopia causing blindness. Kindly advise.

Query: Hello doctor, I have been hearing a lot about myopia and how it might cause blindness, particularly for those of us who spend our days staring at screens. To what extent should this concern us? Do we currently have any options for stopping it or slowing it down? I want to be confident that I provide...  Read Full »

Dr. Canumalla Balachandra

Answer: Hello,Welcome to understand your concern.Myopia has two types. Simple and pathological. A simple one generally does not lead to blindness. Pathological type can lead to blindness due to retina degeneration and retinal detachments. Both conditions are not influenced by staring at screen...  Read Full »

Can I wear my old glasses after my retinal detachment surgery?

Query: Hello doctor, Can I wear my old glasses after my retinal detachent surgery? The surgery was done 10 days back.  Read Full »

Dr. Arnab Pal

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You have refractive power of eyes and hence the glass power is likely to change after a RD surgery due to a number of causes. Firstly, the liquid inside your eye is removed (vitrectomy) in retina surgery and replaced by a gas or a silicon oil. All these changes the ...  Read Full »

How serious is temporal pigmentation with retinal elevation?

Query: Hi doctor, I went to an optometrist and diagnosed with something like below. Retinal exam showed OD temporal area of pigmentation (old chrpe vs atropical hole) with area of retinal elevation. I have attached the optomaps. Can you please tell me how serious is this? Does it need surgery?  Read Full »

Dr. Manjunath Natarajan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your optomap. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The first (left eye) one seems fine. The second one (right eye) on your left-hand side has a few changes. It is a bit tricky to make assumptions based on images, but are you referring...  Read Full »

I have myopia and see black spots and floaters. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I am an 18-year-old with a myopia of -5.25D in both eyes. I see three to four floaters. I recently got a dilated retinal test and everything was normal. 18,19 eye pressure. I have mentioned all my symptoms below. When I blink at night, I see the small arc of light and I see the circle...  Read Full »

Dr. Vandana Andrews

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can understand your concern. Based on your description and the results of your recent dilated retinal exam, it is unlikely that you have a serious eye condition such as a detached retina. However, I recommend scheduling a follow-up appointment with your eye doctor...  Read Full »

Why is there a flash of light when I see side to side?

Query: Hello doctor, I have an odd thing happening in my left eye. I see a flash of light when I look right to left in the left side of my eye. It is a curve from top to bottom. It happens in daylight, nighttime, and even in the dark with my eyes closed. I move my pupil left to right and see a bright arc ...  Read Full »

Dr. Manjunath Natarajan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to This occurrence of flashes of light can be due to various causes. The first and the most probable cause could be posterior vitreous detachment, this is a benign condition not requiring any treatment. Here, you may experience some floaters but no reduction in vision o...  Read Full »

Can retinal detachment cause blurring in the eye?

Query: Hello doctor, My vision was crystal clear this morning. I just woke up from a nap, and the vision in my left eye is blurry. It has not cleared up in the past half an hour. Twice over the years, this has happened, and it normalized over a few hours, but I am in a jungle now. So, I would like to err o...  Read Full »

Dr. Shikha Gupta

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Did you get any surgery done for retinal detachment earlier? It may be a recurrent episode of retinal detachment. If you have diabetes or hypertension that may be a cause of this detachment. It can also happen in vitreous hemorrhage in which you will see a slightly r...  Read Full »

I have a retinal detachment. Shall I do strabismus surgery?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 29-year-old male. My left eye is blind, not fully blind, but if I watch a power full light, I just see a white low light. I had this problem for 23 years. It is due to retinal detachment because of which I have to squint heavily. I repaired my detachment with a scleral buckle nine ...  Read Full »

Dr. Bandivadekar Pooja Mohan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and can understand your concern. Since you had a long-standing retinal problem, the probability of recovering vision is low. You have a sensory squint, and the eye deviates out when it has poor vision. Squint surgery is a successful option to regai...  Read Full »

Blurry vision and migraines. Is it retinal detachment?

Query: Hello doctor, I am severely short-sighted and currently have a blurry area in my left lower eye area. It is like having a smudge on my glasses, but it moves along with my eyes. I faced visual disturbance for around two hours, and there were no other symptoms. I have a migraine and have experienced a...  Read Full »

Dr. Vaibhev Mittal

Answer: Hello, Welcome to As you mentioned, you are highly myopic, and high myopia is a risk factor for retinal detachment. A blurry image moving with eye movement suggests a floater, which is nothing but a shadow of anything in front of the retina. These floaters are usually benign. The only...  Read Full »

My son has a partially detached retina and lost his eye vision.

Query: Hello doctor, My son was born three months premature and now he is 36 years old. He had ROP and suffered a partially detached retina and lost most of his vision in that eye. It was never repaired because we were told it was not detected soon enough. Are there any advancements in treatment where his ...  Read Full »

Dr. Bandivadekar Pooja Mohan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Science is evolving rapidly and a lot of research is directed toward restoring vision in people with retinal problems. Unfortunately, there is no proven treatment for restoring immature retinas, though retinal transplants are being tried for people with other retinal...  Read Full »

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