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HomeAnswersplastic surgery-reconstructive and cosmetic surgeryrhinoplastyI faced a minor trauma after my rhinoplasty. Will this affect the final results?

Can trauma to nose after rhinoplasty affect the final results?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At May 4, 2022
Reviewed AtSeptember 7, 2023

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I recently got bumped by my shoulder three times on accident, and the nose kept stretching big as you can see in the picture, it was a more significant stretch than the picture. I am apprehensive that all that pressure will change my nose shape and affect the final results. It has been three months since the surgery.


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There seems to be swelling on your nose. Since it has already been three months post-surgery, I don’t think there will be any deformity, but it depends upon how hard the injury was. The picture looks normal (attachment removed to protect the patient’s identity).

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

Thank you for your response. Would it not affect the results when is the nose stronger? Also, I wanted to ask you another question. I was showering, and I accidentally bumped my nose on the mirror door. When it happened, it was sensitive, but I was not in pain. It was only for seconds. Also, do you think that would be a significant shift in the final results?


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

No, I do not think it should affect the nose shape. Since it was a minor injury, it should not affect the final results. Ideally, the final results take six to nine months to show up after rhinoplasty.

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Dr. Jain Vicky Ghewarchand
Dr. Jain Vicky Ghewarchand

plastic surgery-reconstructive and cosmetic surgery

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