Common "Side Effect Of Antidepressants" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Side Effect Of Antidepressants

Antidepressants are taken to reduce depression and anxiety. They work by disturbing the balance of chemicals produced in the brain. The common side effects of antidepressants are headache, nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, allergic reactions, erectile dysfunction, and problems in ejaculation. Severe side effects can be avoided when the affected person seeks a doctor's help immediately after having the initial signs of the side effects.

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I have gained weight and missed my period for a year. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 27-year-old female. I had a really tough time in the last two years. I have taken therapy for depression and anxiety. I gained around 44 lbs of weight in the last two years. My periods are absent from a year and I am losing hair from the top of my head. My face is full of acne a...  Read Full »

Dr. Sandhya Narayanan Kutty

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Firstly, I would like to assure you not to worry. Tension and worry only worsen your problem. So, relax Secondly, you need to do the following: You have mentioned about undergoing depression and anxiety but have not mentioned the kind of medication you took. Some a...  Read Full »

Kindly clear my doubts regarding the tablet Pramipexole.

Query: Hello doctor, I have been taking medication for chronic anxiety and GAD to control my anxiety and prevent relapse for the past few years. I now take Effexor XR 150 milligrams daily in the morning and Crestor 10 milligrams daily in the morning (for controlling the lipid profile), and recently the doc...  Read Full »

Dr. Seikhoo Bishnui

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through your query and understood your concern. 1) If we consider mood symptoms, then you are doing good. You have reported improved anxiety symptoms and depression with Effexor (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors). The addition of Buspirone (an...  Read Full »

Does the adverse effects of Seroquel make the time of my derealization last longer?

Query: Hello doctor, I have been using an antidepressant for the last two to three years. About two months ago, I received very exciting news that I had been waiting for a long time. After a short while, I had panic attacks one after another. I asked a doctor and learned that the things I was experiencing ...  Read Full »

Dr. Seikhoo Bishnui

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Seroquel is Quetiapine and is an antipsychotic drug, but the drug is also used in mood disorders like bipolar disorder or resistant depression. The drug does not make a person schizophrenic. A lot of psychiatrists use this drug as augmentation therapy for depression ...  Read Full »

Can antidepressants cause loss of libido?

Query: Hi doctor, I am 19 years old. I do not have any sexual desire or libido. I am not getting normal erection. I have done a hormonal test to see if something is wrong. Currently, I am on antidepressant. The clinic said that the results are normal. But, I have a feeling that something must be there. Kin...  Read Full »

Dr. Bindiya Thakkar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Your submitted blood work (attachment removed to protect patient identity) looks normal. I do have some questions for you though. Did you have normal puberty as compared to your peers such as height, shaving, pubic hair, etc? Did you have normal sexual desire and li...  Read Full »

I have anxiety, stress, and forgetfulness. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, I am suffering from severe anxiety and heart attack like debilitating panic attacks when presented with work deadlines, enclosed spaces such as subways, elevators and small airplanes. I have relationship fears. Nothing in my life provides me joy or relieves me of my symptoms. I had the sa...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to From the available description, it is almost clear that you are having depression along with claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces). It is obvious that you are not enjoying anything, fallen down to social ladder, feel distressed, loss of pleasure in almost all activiti...  Read Full »

I hear whistling sounds if I stop taking Clomipramine. Why?

Query: Hi doctor, I started taking Clofranil 25 mg at the sleeping time for having useless thoughts with disturbed sleep. After few years, I started hearing whistling sounds and so I started taking Seizunil 200 mg with Clofranil 25 mg and Alp 0.5 mg. Now it has been five years. I want to stop taking Clofr...  Read Full »

Dr. Vishal Anilkumar Gandhi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to If you want to stop your medication, then you need to taper off. Do not stop it abruptly. It gives you withdrawal symptoms. You should take tablet Clofranil 10 mg (Clomipramine) daily for another four weeks and then start taking it on alternate days for another four to ...  Read Full »

What symptoms will I experience after stopping Fluoxetine?

Query: Hello doctor, I have taken three pills of Fluoxetine 10 mg across three days. I decided to discontinue it. When should I start worrying about the withdrawal symptoms? Will it be severe? I am currently taking multivitamins. Please suggest.  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The likelihood of developing withdrawal symptoms is very less, as you received it for a very short duration,and also since it has a longer half-life. You may have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, light-headedness, dizziness, diminished appetite, sweating, chills...  Read Full »

My dose of Paxil is raised. How to manage its side-effects?

Query: Hi doctor, Thank you. My doctor raised my Paxil (Paroxetine hydrochloride) from 40 to 50 milligrams, but I could not handle the side effects. So, I went back to 40 milligrams. I was wondering if I should 45 milligrams (between 40 and 50).  Read Full »

Dr. Vishal Anilkumar Gandhi

Answer: Hi,Glad to hear from you.I am here to answer all your questions.I can understand your problem but there are not enough details about your illness. You have also not mentioned the side effects of Paxil. If you have mentioned it then I may guide you to manage it. You can try to take 45 milligrams of P...  Read Full »

Will antidepressants cause loss of libido in men?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 32-year-old and married. I have lost my libido due to antidepressant side effects. I have stopped those medicine from getting back my libido. I have tried Bupropion, but it did not work for me. How much time will it take to get a normal sex drive? Is there any medicine to get...  Read Full »

Dr. Vishal Anilkumar Gandhi

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Loss of libido t is also one of the symptoms of depression. Antidepressants cause delayed ejaculation and rarely decrease your libido. If you are taking any antipsychotic, then it may suppress your libido. There are lots of reasons to decrease your libido. The most c...  Read Full »

Can antidepressants treat autism spectrum disorder?

Query: Hello doctor,I want to contact you to inquire about anti-depressive treatment in persons affected by autism spectrum syndrome (ASS), for instance, Asperger syndrome or high functioning autism in adults.Is there any antidepressant effective for ASS, especially molecules like Tranylcypromine parnate (...  Read Full »

Dr. Vandana Patidar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Antidepressants usually do not seem to affect core symptoms of autistic spectrum disorder. I did not see any clinical patient with autistic spectrum disorder with Tranylcypromine. We do not usually suggest an antidepressant medicine to an autistic spectrum patient in...  Read Full »

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