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HomeAnswersOtolaryngology (E.N.T)sore throatThough my throat pain subsides, should I suspect myself for Covid-19?

Throat pain after mall visit, no fever. COVID-19?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Vinodhini J.

Published At April 6, 2020
Reviewed AtMay 24, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I am a 32-year-old female. And I have got throat pain on 22nd and met a doctor on 26th for the same. He gave me Azee 250 mg and one multivitamin for five days and I have taken it till 30th. From that day I am doing basic gargling and taking milk with pepper and haldi in the night. But yesterday I got the message that whoever visited one mall from the date 10th -17th and having any symptoms of Covid-19 should seek medical support. I visited that mall on 12th and after that, I got throat pain but it is already 22 days since I visited that mall and almost 10 days I have this throat pain. Should I consider this throat pain as a symptom? I do not have any temperature or any other problem. I called the helpline and told them that I visited the mall on 12th March but not that particular shop and told me about my current situation and the person told me to take the Azee tablet for two more days if I still have mild throat pain. I want to know since it is already 22 days I visited the mall and also my throat pain is already there for almost 10 days, do I need to worry about anything? I am very scared and panicked after seeing that news. Please help me with your suggestion.


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Is there any cough or breathing difficulty or wheezing? Does anyone else in your family have similar symptoms? Is there any nasal congestion or discharge or block? Can you please take a picture of the back of the throat with open mouth showing details of the affected area and send it to me?

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

I do not have a cough or breathing difficulty or wheezing so far. And I stay with my husband so far my husband is not having any similar symptoms though I am maintaining some distance from him from yesterday. But throat infection I am having from 10 days so nothing I can see in him similar to mine. There is no nasal congestion or discharge or block as such but I feel I have very little mucus in my throat. Maybe because I am drinking a lot of hot water and also drinks with honey and pepper. I want to know what should I do and this Sunday it will be two weeks for my throat pain. And also the health advisory said that the people who visited from 10-17 March, so already 14 days over for that as well. Do I need to be worried about my throat pain or it can just be normal?


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

As I understand there is only the throat pain. There is no fever or cough or breathing difficulty. I would suggest you take some painkillers. Take Dolo 650 mg, one tablet thrice daily for three days after meals. Use medicated mouth rinses. Use Tantum or Dressin mouth rinse, mix equal amounts of the mouth rinse with water and gargle thrice daily. Do not eat anything spicy or oily. Take Allercet DC (Cetirizine) tablet twice daily for five days. The medicine might make you slightly sleepy. Take tablet Chymoral forte thrice daily in empty stomach for three days. Maintain distance from everyone in the family. Use a separate room and separate washroom. If you are preparing food, handle everything very carefully and eat separately. Quarantine yourself for another week. Do revert back to me after three days and tell me how your throat pain is. I do not think you need to take any antibiotics now. Do not panic and do not go to GH now, as that would increase your chances of contracting the virus. Watch for fever, breathing trouble, chest congestion, painful micturition, cough, wheezing. In these cases immediately go to the GH or contact us.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Shyam Kalyan. N
Dr. Shyam Kalyan. N

Otolaryngology (E.N.T)

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