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HomeAnswersSpeech Therapistspeech sound disorderMy 2-year-old has moderate receptive delay and mild expressive delay. Please help.

2-year-old with speech delay. Help?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Nithila. A

Published At October 5, 2019
Reviewed AtJune 6, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

My 2-year-old was diagnosed with a moderate receptive delay and a mild expressive delay. When he was around sixteen months, he could say thank you, stop, mama, daddy, and even his sister's name. At about nineteen months he was diagnosed with an ear infection. The infection was treated, but there was fluid that probably remained for approximately six months without our knowledge. We found out only after he started to speak less and less.

His eardrums were retracting, but he now has tubes and can hear fine. However, he still does not speak. He points, looks are in the eyes, cuddles, smiles, kisses, does gestures, loves other kids and can retrieve items if we point to them, but sometimes it seems like he does not understand. Could it be because he spent several months hearing something different? I am worried even though the doctor can be told me not to. He is in speech, but it did not seem to be helping. Any advice round truly is appreciated.


Welcome to icliniq.com.

It is possible that ear infection or glue ear hampered your child's hearing which in turn could have impaired his normal speech and language development. With support, he will be able to catch up if everything else is normal. It is advisable to continue with speech and language therapy input. Continue conversing with him regularly at home, read storybooks, etc. Even though he may not be reciprocating immediately. From your description, there are no features suggestive of any social communication developmental issues. Continue regular reviews with your child's pediatrician and speech therapist. I hope this helps.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Suresh Kumar G D
Dr. Suresh Kumar G D


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