Common "Spine Fracture" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Spine Fracture

Spinal fractures more commonly occur due to road traffic accidents, gunshots, sports injuries, osteoporosis, spine tumors, etc. A vertebral compression fracture is the most common spine fracture. Symptoms include muscle spasms, back pain, neck pain, weakness, paralysis, bowel and bladder weakness, numbness, and tingling sensation. The available treatment procedures include the immobilization of the spine with braces and orthotics, surgery to fuse the fractured spine with plates and screws, vertebroplasty, and kyphoplasty.

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Why do I get pain after getting up from sitting or walking?

Query: Hi doctor, My mother is 65 years old (height 4'11", weight 64 kg), and has been doing all the household chores since she was 20 years. She has no problems except diabetes. Since one week, she started getting lower back pain. The symptoms are if she is in a sleeping position and gets up and starts w...  Read Full »

Dr. Atul Prakash

Answer: Hello, Welcome to At 65, your mother seems to be suffering from spondylosis which is nothing but wear and tear of the spine. This is made worse after any period of rest and sitting usually makes it worse. Is there any radiation of pain to the leg? I will recommend that you get an X-ra...  Read Full »

Do fractured vertebrae heal on their own?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a little stressed as I headed a car accident a week ago. I have a fracture in my T2 and T4 vertebrae. Doctor send me home with no brace and asked me to just take it easy. They advised me not to lift heavy weight and it will heal in six weeks. I am feeling good but there is a lit...  Read Full »

Dr. Akshay Kumar Saxena

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You have mentioned a car accident about a week ago in which you fractured T2 and T4 vertebrae. For any spinal fracture, opinion is based upon detailed neurological examination of the patient. X-ray and if needed MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the involved region ...  Read Full »

My grandma had a fracture from a fall. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor,My grandmother suffered a fall in the bathroom one month back. She is 91 years old now. Following the fall, she developed a vertebral compression fracture. She has been on bed rest for the last few weeks and now developed redness and pain in the lower back area. Kindly advise on treatment ...  Read Full »

Dr. Arvind Guru

Answer: Hi, Welcome to After reviewing your attached picture (attachment removed to protect patient identity), it is a grade 2 bed sore. Prevent further damage by turning the side of the patient every two hours from side to side. This is to be done only after the approval of a spine speci...  Read Full »

I have no sensations in the front of my feet. Why?

Query: Hello doctor,I was involved in an MVA about a year ago. I ended up breaking my ribs, sternum, pelvis and fracturing my L5-S1 vertebrae. After the accident, I could move my ankles. Even after the surgery, I could move my ankles and I had no pain in my feet or lower legs. About 15 days into recovery, ...  Read Full »

Dr. Vivek Chail

Answer: Hello, Welcome to In the image provided by you (attachment removed to protect patient identity), there is a fracture of the sacral vertebra at the level of the L5-S1 disc. It is important to note that at this level, there are nerves passing through the small foramen between L5 and S1 v...  Read Full »

Can lower back pain result in paralysis even after taking treatment?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 24 year old student. When I was 17 years old, my lower back was injured while playing cricket. That time I was also a little depressed and was taking some tablets. After 15 days, I got typhoid, so I did not care much about the injury at that time. But since then, I have been feelin...  Read Full »

Dr. Chinezu R. Rares

Answer: Hello, Welcome to From the images (attachment removed to protect patient identity) that you have provided, it is possible to see a fracture on the pars(the rod connecting the anterior part of the vertebra and the vertebral body to the posterior elements). The flexion-extension x-ray do...  Read Full »

How to manage L1 compression fracture?

Query: Hi doctor, I have done a CABP1 test and CT abdomen pelvis with contrast for periumbilical pain. Multiple axial CT images of the abdomen and pelvis with IV was done. The contrast was obtained, followed by 2D coronal reformats. And the contrast dose is 3.33 fl oz Omnipaque 350. All CT scans at this fa...  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Zubayer Alam

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Thanks for the query. I can understand your concern. According to your statement, you have recently done a CT (computed tomography) abdomen with pelvis with Contrast, which has revealed an L1 (lumbar spine) compression fracture, and your blood test revealed nothing sign...  Read Full »

Can you go through the reports of my relative's daughter and suggest a treatment plan?

Query: Hello doctor, My relative's daughter, who is 16 years old, met with a car accident. She is admitted to the hospital. Please give your suggestions on her case. She is currently undergoing surgery. The below extract was of her case study. The doctors say that the body below her neck is not moving. Can...  Read Full »

Dr. Hardik Nareshbhai Rajyaguru

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand the case scenario. The reason behind her low blood pressure and inability to move all four limbs is actually the cervical spinal cord injury. Surgery is risky because of low blood pressure, but it is possible to operate if the anesthetic team is able to manag...  Read Full »

Is there a specific treatment for compressive spine fracture?

Query: Hello doctor, I have a case of a 47 year old man, who went through a car accident. The scan showed a compressive fracture of T12 wth predominance into the canal 7 mm. The patient was told to stay in bed with a plastic corsage around his waist to prevent sudden movements. Around two to three months l...  Read Full »

Dr. J. Mariano Anto Bruno Mascarenhas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to have read your question with care and understood the concern. The inability to move the right leg could be due to compressive fracture T12 or periventricular hypodense lesions. Barely feeling right arm is due to periventricular hypodense lesions or some undiagnosed probl...  Read Full »

Do I require any surgery for L1 vertebra fracture?

Query: Hello doctor, I had a fall at home and got fractured in my L1 vertebra. My local doctor is treating me conservatively. I use back brace while walking (maximum five minutes) and doing physiotherapy. As far my work is considered, extensive travel is required. Within how many days, I will get fully fit...  Read Full »

Dr. Yada Bhanutej

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query. It is almost three and a half weeks since the injury. I saw your scan film (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Treatment/management of vertebral fractures depends on two factors mainly which includes, is there any neurological deficit d...  Read Full »

My mother had T8 vertebral body fracture. What advice does she need to follow?

Query: Hello doctor, I am living in a place, but my mother lives abroad in a country with limited access to spinal surgeons. She is 71 otherwise fit and well for her age. She slipped over and was told she has a t8 vertebral body fracture that is minimally displaced with no cord compression. She is in pain...  Read Full »

Dr. Sharoff Lokesh Mohan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to If she has a T8 vertebral fracture, that is I hope a compression fraction that you are talking about, which is minimally displaced and compressed. Then the treatment that is required is principally pain relief with minimal activities and physiotherapy initially to her ...  Read Full »

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