Common "Sports Injury" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Sports Injury

Injury during sports activities are quite common. Teeth fracture, sprain, strain, greenstick or stress fracture, injury to the spine, concussion, ligament injury, bruise, muscle tear, torn tendons and ligaments, frostbite, abrasions, and laceration are kinds of injuries in sports. Using protective gear, being careful, and performing adequate warm-up sessions are essential to prevent such injuries. A first aid team and kit near sports events and training sessions are necessary to prevent further complications of injured sportspersons.

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All the answers published in this website are written by verified medical doctors, therapists and health experts. The Content has been moderated by iCliniq medical review team before publication. Post your medical clarifications on iCliniq by choosing the right specialty and get them answered. Your medical queries will be answered 24/7 by top doctors from iCliniq.

I have heel pain after running. Kindly interpret my X-ray report.

Query: Hello doctor, I would like an opinion on my X-ray if it shows any signs of a stress fracture in the heel. I took up running and increased it too fast. It hurts to walk on the sides of the heel. Pressing on either side of the heel hurts a lot. There is swelling but no bruising. The swelling is dec...  Read Full »

Dr. Vivek Chail

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have viewed your X-rays (attachment removed to protect patient identity) and there is no feature to suggest a stress fracture in the calcaneum bone and bones in the heel area. It is possible that you have a soft tissue or tendon abnormality which can cause you the pa...  Read Full »

I have right ankle pain due to sports injury. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, My husband is an active person who plays badminton, football, and running regularly. He also attends the gym. He met with a sports injury in his right ankle. We thought that as a muscle sprain and kept icing. He recovered 80% in two days but used Volini or Oxalgin gel regularly. After so...  Read Full »

Dr. Anuj Gupta

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have been through your reports. Your x-rays and CT are normal. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The point you have marked indicates the attachment of anterior talofibular ligament. So it could be a sprain of that ligament. Just do intrinsic muscle st...  Read Full »

I have a right hip labral tear and a sports hernia. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have a right side hip labral tear and a probable sports hernia on the same side. Can both these issues be addressed in the same surgery, or do they have to be addressed in separate surgeries?  Read Full »

Dr. Sharoff Lokesh Mohan

Answer: Hi, Welcome to It can be tackled in the same anesthesia and surgery. Hip labral repairs or excision is done arthroscopically and after that, the surgery for sports hernia can be done either open or endoscopically. So, it can be done in the same sitting of anesthesia. Before the surger...  Read Full »

Why am I thirsty and peeing a lot after training?

Query: Hello doctor, My weight is 90 kg and height is 181 cm. I am a fighter by profession. Four days ago, after finishing three hours of outdoor training, I had severe lower flank pain on both sides. Since then, I am having frequent urination at an average of four times at night and 15 times during the da...  Read Full »

Dr. Muhammad Majid Hanif

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I can appreciate your concerns about your health and urinary tract infection. The symptoms you're experiencing could be attributed to a urinary tract infection or fluid and electrolyte imbalances, both of which can manifest with similar symptoms. It's beneficial to maint...  Read Full »

What is the possible treatment for a rib injury after a fall?

Query: Hello doctor, I have been suffering a sports injury following a fall. I suspect it to be a combination of muscle strain and separated false rib cartilage that has slipped up behind another rib only on my right side. I also noticed a visible lump on my right chest wall when my ribs are contracted or ...  Read Full »

Dr. Anuj Gupta

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and can understand your concern. Kindly add more about the following; 1. What is your age? 2. When did this injury happen? 3. Has your pain reduced since the injury? Also, please attach the X-rays to analyze the condition better. Revert with th...  Read Full »

Will my jaw swelling from a skiing injury go off with drugs?

Query: Hello doctor,I met with an accident and hit my jaw while skiing yesterday. I have a headache, and my cheek or jaw is still very swollen. I can chew normally but cannot open my mouth wide while yawning. I consulted a dentist for minor teeth chipping, and they did an X-ray. The dentist said that he co...  Read Full »

Dr. Rajesh Gayakwad

Answer: Hello, Welcome to From the attached images (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity), I can see that you suffer from contusion of the soft tissue around the jaw with a sprain in the temporomandibular joint ligaments. You do not have any bone injury because you can chew f...  Read Full »

I have sharp neck pain after a fall. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I fell to the ground landing on my neck and head area while playing a sports match. Since then, I have had a dull ache. When I move my neck, I get a sharp pain that worsens in the evening. I struggle to move my neck to the right and experience the most pain on the right side. Please h...  Read Full »

Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through your query and understood your concern. By your history and description, the possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more likely. So, I suggest you take a painkiller like Paracetamol (analgesic). Apply a warm water pad and ice packs on the affected are...  Read Full »

I injured my finger while playing football. It is swollen and bruised with no pain. Please suggest some home remedies.

Query: Hi doctor, Yesterday, while playing football I injured my finger. Now it is swollen and bruised, but it does not hurt. What should I do? Please suggest me an at-home remedy. Thank you.  Read Full »

Dr. Sugreev Singh

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. I would suggest you do an X-ray of your hand once to check if there was any injury to the bone and ligament. Because in the picture (attachment removed to protect the patient’s identity) it looks like there is a sever...  Read Full »

I got a sprain in my ankle while playing soccer. Kindly help.

Query: Hi, I sprained my ankle while playing soccer. The ball hit the outside of my foot, causing my ankle to turn inward, and it popped few times. I also landed on it sideways in the same position. They took me to the hospital, where they told it was a moderate sprain. At first, it hurt to walk, but it di...  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hello, Welcome to It isvery unlikely to be dislocated. The ankle joint is a very stable joint, and it will not be dislocated. And, the major fracture would have been much painful, and there would have been an inability to walk. So do not worry, I think it is just a feeling, not an actu...  Read Full »

My knee hurts on making movements after a sudden jerk while playing football. Please help.

Query: Hello, Yesterday while playing football, my right knee twisted outwards due to a sudden jerk. As a result, I have pain in the inner side of my right knee (MCL region). I have pain and difficulty in walking or making movements. But my knee is fully mobile and can function properly if I move slowly. W...  Read Full »

Dr. Atul Prakash

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. The knee may be fine, and there is only a grade 1 or 2 strain of the medial collateral ligament (MCL). If you do not have knee joint swelling, the knee does not buckle or give way, and you feel confident that the knee is strong enough, you can...  Read Full »

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