Common "Squint Surgery" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Squint Surgery

Squint surgery is one of the most common specialized treatments for squints. It is performed by loosening or tightening and repositioning eye muscles to regain the eyes' alignment. It is usually a painless procedure recommended, particularly before six years of age.

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Should I undergo squint correction surgery for my exotropia?

Query: Hello doctor,I have had an exotropia squint in my right eye for the last 10 to 12 years. Presently I have very low vision in that eye, and near and far vision is blurry. I consulted an ophthalmologist, and he recommended a LASIK surgery and, after that, a squint correction surgery a month later. Sho...  Read Full »

Dr. Vaibhev Mittal

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your images (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You can proceed with the LASIK surgery and the squint correction as advised.:Your right eye is amblyopic (lazy eye). So, the vision, even after a LASIK, will be 6/18 p and not 6/6. As y...  Read Full »

How can I fix the size difference between my eyes?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 19 year old male. My right eye is smaller than my left eye. For this cause I am not able to see clearly with my right eye. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Anand Yattinamani

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concerns. I have seen your pictures (attachment removed to protect patient identity). This is not a small eye.  This looks like a condition called convergent squint (inward deviation of the eye). This is making your eye appear small.  There are many ty...  Read Full »

I have vision loss and a squint in my right eye. Why?

Query: Hi doctor, I am having a squint in my right eye. It is turned inwards by birth and I have no vision in my right eye. My left eye is 100% perfect. I met an eye specialist. He checked my squint and told that my vision is not recoverable. He advised me to get cosmetic eye muscle surgery. He said it in...  Read Full »

Dr. Vaibhev Mittal

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through the documents and reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You have large angle esotropia (90PD) (a form of squint). As per my experience, operating two muscles will reduce the deviation, but will not correct it fully. As per my e...  Read Full »

My son has crossed eye since birth. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, My son is 2 years old. He is having crossed eye problem from the birth. Is it curable? If yes, then what is the treatment for this? Also, what is the success rate of the treatment?  Read Full »

Dr. Prashant Kumar Singh

Answer: Hello, Welcome to 1. Your child's squint problem can be treated in a number of ways and often more than one treatment or a combination of treatments may be needed to get the best result for your child's vision. 2. Your child's squint treatment will be depend on the type of squint. Mos...  Read Full »

I have diplopia. Will getting squint surgery help?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 31-year-old male with a history of closed globe injury in the right eye 10 years ago. At that time, my vision in the right eye was hand movements only and I was diagnosed with a macular injury. Three months later, my vision slowly improved to 6/36. However, my right eye started ...  Read Full »

Dr. Priyanka

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Diplopia is occurring definitely due to squinting because, in this, the image which is formed will be defocussed. It has occurred secondary to the trauma. The only remedy is to correct it by surgery. If it would have been due to other causes which were intrinsic to t...  Read Full »

Will my eyes look straight after squint surgery?

Query: Hello doctor, I am 20 years old. Next month I am going to have my squint surgery for cosmetic purpose. I do not have vision in my right eye now and it turned inwards. After this surgery, will both my eyes look straight? Either I see left or right or up or down will both my eyes work together? How ma...  Read Full »

Dr. Vaibhev Mittal

Answer: Hi, Welcome to This squint is sensory esotropia, which means that due to some cause your retina detached leaving you with no vision in that eye and at that early age brain failed to keep both eyes straight leaving to squint. Success rate of squint surgery is quite high (90%). Even af...  Read Full »

I am a 22-year-old male having cross eyes. Is there any solution or operation for this issue in medical science? Please suggest.

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 22-year-old male. I have a cross-eye problem and I would like to recheck my eye problem. Is there any solution or operation for this issue in medical science? Please suggest.  Read Full »

Dr. Rohit Jain

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I appreciate that you have chosen icliniq for your medical needs. Yes, squint or strabismus is easy to cure. A small surgery needs to be done. You can visit a good doctor nearby and get it sorted out. I hope this helps. Thank you.  Read Full »

Is it advisable to correct eye squint with surgery?

Query: Hello doctor, I am 25 years old, and when I was 1 year old, I had a heat stroke that caused an eye squint. My glasses cover the squint, but it gets noticeable on camera. Also, if I am not wearing glasses and someone looks at me from a distance, squint is quite noticeable. I have been told that my s...  Read Full »

Dr. Arnab Pal

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I do not think heat stroke has caused your squint. I would definitely like to see pictures where the squint is visible. You seem to be suffering from the alternate divergent squint. The amount of squint is also not much. So I suggest you try the convergence exercise ...  Read Full »

when the child looks straight, it appears as if looking elsewhere. How to correct this problem?

Query: Hello doctor, I want to know if it is possible to correct the eyes of a child that does not focus properly. The condition is when the child is looking straight, the eyes appear as if it is looking elsewhere.  Read Full »

Dr. Bandivadekar Pooja Mohan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Your child has squint eyes. This can be due to multiple causes like refractive error or glass number. Congenital squint due to neurological issues. Retinal or optic nerve pathology. Kindly get your child evaluated from a pediatric ophthalmologist. Initially, they wi...  Read Full »

How to cure the squint in my eyes after I started wearing glasses?

Query: Hi doctor, I have squint eyes, please check the attached picture. I am 24 years old, and I started wearing glasses when I was 16. I do not think I had squint before I started wearing glasses. Please suggest some exercise to reduce squint or tell me what will be best for me. I have -3 power with cyli...  Read Full »

Dr. Bandivadekar Pooja Mohan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Considering that you have a refractive error with cylindrical power, you can get corneal topography done. -3 is a moderate refractive error. Convergence exercises (pencil push ups) can be tried. The photographs uploaded (attachment removed to protect patient identity...  Read Full »

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