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HomeAnswersDentistryteethingMy baby has reddish lumps near her front teeth. What is it?

What are orange and red lumps above 10-month-old top teeth?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At December 15, 2017
Reviewed AtMay 21, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

My 10-month-old baby is cutting her top tooth and there are orange and red lumps above where the tooth has started to come. What are these lumps? I have attached few pictures for your reference.

Answered by Dr. Paras Angrish


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I have seen the photos (attachment removed to protect patient identity). As your child is 10 months old, the upper teeth should have been erupted by this time. But three to six months delay is normal and it looks like your child is putting teether in his mouth and bitting it hard which is normal during teething. If the lower teeth are there, they also exert pressure if the child bites strongly on upper gums which also leads to this condition. Just check if there are no other lesions like this in the baby's mouth. If the child is irritable, I suggest you use an over-the-counter analgesic gel, like Dologel (Choline Salicylate and Lidocaine Topical) over the lesion only and keep the area clean. Take lukewarm water and wipe the area with wet cotton and you can give the child a chilled teether to give relief. If there is associated fever that is also normal up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. If the lesion does not resolve in three to four, visit a pediatric dentist to get a treatment. But, from the picture, it looks like it is only a teething trouble and this will resolve on its own. Regards,

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Dr. Paras Angrish
Dr. Paras Angrish


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