Common "Tick Bite" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Tick Bite

Ticks are tiny bugs that attach to the skin of humans and animals. They bite and suck their blood. These tick bites are harmless and primarily dwell in hairy and warm areas of the host. Otherwise, they are commonly found in the soil, shrubs, trees, plants, etc. Severe itching is manifested in the place where it bites and, when pulled out, may cause slight bleeding. Though tick bites are harmless, they can transmit serious diseases like Lyme disease, rocky mountain spotted fever, Colorado tick fever, etc.

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I was attacked by hives and ticks were found. Can it cause Lyme's disease?

Query: Hello doctor. I went to the national forest last week for a camping trip with my boyfriend. The trip was cut short as I had to be rushed into the ER with hives. The ENTs first thought I might have fallen in a poison ivy bush. But I did not. This happened after the first night. The morning, I woke up...  Read Full »

Dr. Vandana Andrews

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. I am glad you received prompt medical attention for your hives and that ticks were found during your ER (emergency room) visit. While it is possible that you could have contracted Lyme disease from the tick bite, it is essential not to panic ...  Read Full »

I recently found a tick on me. Can I have Lyme disease?

Query: Hello doctor, I am 38 years old and really scared because I recently found a tick on me. I have been reading about Lyme disease and I am terrified that I might have been infected, and I do not know what to do. I have heard that Lyme disease can cause serious problems if not treated early. I am exper...  Read Full »

Dr. Sugreev Singh

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can understand your concern. Yes, Lyme disease is caused by ticks, but if ticks bite you, then only you can get Lyme disease. Otherwise, there are no chances of getting Lyme disease. So if there are any bite marks on the body, then you should go for a checkup otherwi...  Read Full »

I found a tick on my body post-outdoor activity. Should I worry?

Query: Hello doctor, After spending time outdoors, I recently found a tick on my body, and I am concerned about the risk of tick-borne diseases. Can you provide information about the early signs and symptoms of such diseases, and when is it advisable to seek medical attention for potential tick-borne infec...  Read Full »

Dr. Sugreev Singh

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have read your query and understand your concern. Tick-borne diseases occur when multiple tick bites introduce infections into the bloodstream. If you do not have any bite marks on your body, there is no need to worry. The symptoms after a tick bite include fever, ch...  Read Full »

What are the diagnostic tests for Lyme disease?

Query: Hello doctor, I have chronic migraines with pituitary hyperplasia. Can someone interpret what my report indicate?  Read Full »

Dr. Mohammed Abdul Nasir

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through the report that you put up (attachment removed to protect patient identity). If I am not mistaken, all three antibodies done for Lymes disease are absent, which means that you do not have Lyme's disease. If any of the three columns had positi...  Read Full »

What precautions are needed for Lyme disease? Kindly help.

Query: Hi doctor,We live in a wooded region where Lyme disease is common. My brother got a tick bite last year, and we are worried if he will get Lyme disease. What measures should we take right now to prevent these diseases? Should he get evaluated, or should he wait for symptoms? What medication should h...  Read Full »

Dr. Shubadeep Debabrata Sinha

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. Lyme disease is a vector-borne disease caused by bacteria, borrelia, and spread by blackleg ticks. It can produce various symptoms, including fever, rash (typically in the form of a pattern known as Bull's eye rash), joint discomforts, and...  Read Full »

How often can an infective deer tick bite cause Lyme disease?

Query: Hello doctor, I have a few questions regarding Lyme disease. 1. Is there any chance of developing an infection after an infective deer tick bite with no obvious symptoms, such as a bull's eyes rash? 2. What are the chances of getting serious symptoms like joint inflammation after infection? 3. Are t...  Read Full »

Dr. Shubadeep Debabrata Sinha

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Lyme disease is a common vector-borne disease caused by bacteria, Borrelia, and transmitted by blackleg ticks. It can cause fever, rash, joint pain, and headache. The rash is typical bull's eye rash and can spread. If left untreated, it can spread to various organ sy...  Read Full »

My 4-year-old son got bitten by a tick two months ago. Did it transmit Lyme disease and rickettsia?

Query: Hi doctor, My son is 4 years old and was bitten by a tick a couple of months ago. He was interpreted with a rickettsia, which is a high-grade fever rash. He was asked to take a Josamycin antibiotic for two weeks. Then he was fine for a few weeks. However, today he has had a high-grade fever for the ...  Read Full »

Dr. Faisal Abdul Karim Malim

Answer: Hi,Welcome to do an IgG (immunoglobulin G) western blot test to confirm Lyme disease. The knee pain and fever may be a late manifestation of Lyme disease. Further management will depend on the reports. As of now, I suggest you can give (consult with a specialist doctor, talk with ...  Read Full »

Are antibody detection testing confirmatory for Lyme disease?

Query: Hi doctor, My 26-year-old daughter had a tick bite and tested positive for Lyme disease this summer. She took a month-long round of Doxycycline. She re-tested last week, and she was still testing positive for Lyme antibodies on the Western blot test. Her first antibody test was 1.91 antibodies. The...  Read Full »

Dr. Penchilaprasad Kandikattu

Answer: Hi, Welcome to There is no need to take one more antibiotics course because Lyme disease antibodies may stay in the body for years. Only antibody detection is not confirmatory for diagnosis. Few false-positives may be seen in viral fevers, autoimmune diseases, and viral infections. So...  Read Full »

I am a 23-year-old female who was bitten by bugs recently, and the bites appear similar to bull's eye rashes. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 23-year-old female. I woke up with two bug bites a few days back, and they appear like bull's eye rashes. Although, I do not have any symptoms besides the rash. Online search results indicate I have Lyme disease. When should I go to the doctor? Please help. Thank you.  Read Full »

Dr. Ivan Galic

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have read your query, and I can understand your concern. If it is a bull's eye rash, then it could be Lyme Disease. Lyme disease is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, and transmitted to humans by tick bite. The most common period when people get Lyme diseas...  Read Full »

Will flea or bug bite likely to cause cellulitis?

Query: Hello doctor,Usually, I let my cats go out and play in the backyard. They frequently bring fleas and bugs into the house. So I get flea and bug bites. I usually get red bumps on the areas of my legs and lower legs. But recently I notice that there is a confined area that looks like a scab. This is h...  Read Full »

Dr. Asmeet Kaur Sawhney

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have reviewed the attached photograph and can appreciate the scabbed area. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). It is not cellulitis at all. It is because of the intense itching the area has excoriated and then turned into a scab. No need to take oral a...  Read Full »

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