Common "Undescended Testis" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Undescended Testis

Undescended testis is known as cryptorchidism, which occurs when the testis has not moved to the correct position in the scrotal bag before birth. It is not common but it may occur in prematurely born babies, and may involve one testis. Rarely, both the testis can be affected. Testis which is not felt in the usual area can be a sign of undescended testis. Testicular cancer, fertility issues, trauma, inguinal hernia, and testicular torsion are the possible complications of undescended testis.

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Will Levofloxacin help in urinary bladder distention with bladder wall thickening?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 59 years old male. I am suffering from urinary bladder distension with a bladder wall thickening of about 6 mm. My doctor advised me to take Levofloxacin. I would like to know whether it is the correct medicine to cure my problem. Further, I am having cryptorchidism (both undesc...  Read Full »

Dr. Khant Shahil Ramesh Bhai

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Do you have any urinary problems like straining, poor flow, etc.? First, about your bladder distension with bladder wall thickening. This might indicate an infection in your bladder called Cystitis. If you do not have any symptoms or problem, then it is better to get u...  Read Full »

Is testis removal necessary for cryptorchidism?

Query: Hi doctor, My age is 25. Not married yet. I recently observed I am having cryptorchidism. In scan report, it is revealed that my left testis is in iliac fossa. Doctor told it should be removed from the body. My query is, should it be removed? Or it can be moved to scrotum? And, does single testis ca...  Read Full »

Dr. Khant Shahil Ramesh Bhai

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I want to know the size of the testis. Also, what is the status of opposite testis? Normal and descended completely with normal size? As you are 25 and if your undescended testis is small and atrophy then better remove it. There will be no effect if you remove one te...  Read Full »

How does cryptorchidism treatment affect conception?

Query: Hi doctor, My husband and I have been trying to have kids. He has cryptorchidism. He did some test already they said the undescended testes is better than the descended on and it has a good blood supply. Is the surgery still possible? He is 25 years old now. What are our chances of having a baby aft...  Read Full »

Dr. Uzma Arqam

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Undescended testes should be corrected in infancy actually. Mode of correction depends on the type of undescended testes. There could be chances of malignancy and infertility if a correction does not occur in infancy. But the positive point here is that your husband havin...  Read Full »

Can I be sexually active with one testis?

Query: Hi doctor, I am 31 years old. I can remember that since I was about 11, my left testicle has always been high up in my scrotum. When I look down at my genitals, I cannot see my right testicle. But, my left one is clearly visible and starts at the same position next to my penis. I understand that one...  Read Full »

Dr. Naresh Kumar M.

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I had gone through all the data you have posted (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Normally, right testis remain little higher up than the left, but in your case it is a little higher up. During the process of formation, testes are formed inside the ab...  Read Full »

How long does an undescended testicle take to grow to the normal size after surgery?

Query: Hi doctor, My child had an undescended testicle. He underwent surgery ten months back. But his testicle seems small when compared to others. Does his testicle have improper growth? Will it take some time to grow normally?  Read Full »

Dr. Manu Chandarashekhara Bharadwaj

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Undescended testis occurs due to abnormal testis. It does not grow normally. Testis remained high up at the time of birth can also cause undescended testis. There is an absence of a good environment to grow well. So, it remains small compared to normally descended t...  Read Full »

I have low sex drive and anxiety issues. Please help.

Query: Hi, I am a 30-year-old male with an undescended testicle. My sperm concentration is 3.5 million and have a motility of 50 %. I am facing anxiety issues and a low sex drive. My right testicle is not working. I took HeyForte capsule and Testact tablet for the last five days. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Raveendran S R

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. I checked your reports (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity). You have a low sperm count, less semen, and a lot of defective sperm. Have you done any investigation regarding your undescended testicle? I...  Read Full »

Is undescended testicle a birth defect?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 22-year-old male. I have a single testis from childhood. At that time the doctor said there are no issues, so we moved on. Now one of my doctor suggested MRI scanning and ultrasound. The missing testis is a little below my stomach. What will be the impact of this testis which is n...  Read Full »

Dr. Samer Sameer Juma Ali Altawil

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Ectopic testis in the inguinal area must be removed if you are above 13 years of age. If you are below 13 years, it can be fixed down in the scrotum again. The reason for that is the testis has the tendency to have cancer in it. The removal can be done with a small inci...  Read Full »

How to get rid of my fear about testicular cancer?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 38-year-old male. I have always been terrified of testicular cancer. A few months back, I went to see a urologist for a checkup who examined my testicles and found no anomalies. I was completely fine. I trust him, but I was wondering how often I should get myself checked? I kno...  Read Full »

Dr. Samer Sameer Juma Ali Altawil

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Testicular cancer is rare. You should not be scared of having it until you have risk factors like undescended testis, exposure to radiation, family history of testicular cancer, smoking, or HIV infection. The self-examination is sufficient, and once been checked by a doct...  Read Full »

What are the side effects of orchidopexy?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 19-year-old medical student. This year, I lost my right testis to testicular torsion, resulting from late diagnosis. As a precautionary measure, a contralateral orchidopexy was also done. This involving a part so intimately connected to me shattered me a lot and I am recoverin...  Read Full »

Dr. Khant Shahil Ramesh Bhai

Answer: Hello, Welcome to of all, relax and do not worry at all. We had done orchidectomy due to torsion in many patients. They are absolutely fine and doing well physically as well as mentally. Having one testis remaining is perfectly fine. You will have no problem regarding sperm product...  Read Full »

How to treat an undescended testis in an 11-year-old boy?

Query: Hello doctor, My son is 11 years old. He had undescended testis. The doctors found it diminishing, and they removed it through surgery. The other testis is still undescended. It is very small in size, and as per doctor the cord attached to it is small and hence cannot be brought down. Kindly advise.  Read Full »

Dr. Choudhary Devendra

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The child had undergone orchidectomy for 0.15 to 0.19 inch atrophic testis which is too small to have a function. Only preoperative imaging studies to document the size of palpable inguinal mass or testes is not available. The other testis needs to be brought into the s...  Read Full »

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