Common "Veneers" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


Dental veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells that are fixed in front of a tooth to change its color, shape, size, or length. It is made either with porcelain or composite material. It can be used to treat discolored, broken, misaligned, or spaces between front teeth.

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Will there be an issue if my front teeth veneers touch?

Query: Hello doctor,I have composite veneers on both of my front teeth. Sometimes, if I sense my bottom teeth touching the bonded teeth, even lightly while eating or brushing or what have you, I worry that since enamel is stronger than the bonding material, this will somehow alter the bonding. Is this poss...  Read Full »

Dr. Asma Parveen

Answer: Hello, Welcome to As far as normal occlusion or normal bite is concerned, the upper front teeth should not touch the lower front teeth. There should be a gap of at least one to two millimeter. But, sometimes when you are eating or trying to make the contact then it is absolutely norma...  Read Full »

What are the alternative to veneers to treat brown stains on teeth?

Query: Hello doctor, I went to the dentist. I have dark brown stains on my teeth. He said it is from drinking fizzy drink and the only way to fix it is veneers. Is this true?  Read Full »

Dr. Tooba Qazi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Yes, these are now internal stains that cannot be simply removed through scaling. One of the causes for these kinds of stains is fizzy drinks, others may include taking Iron supplements for long, or may be due to the use of extra fluoride in water during childhood like ...  Read Full »

What are the treatment choices for fused front teeth?

Query: Hello doctor, My front teeth are fused together. Even smiling properly is an ordeal. What treatment choices do I have? Is there anything which is not so invasive like veneers? If extraction turns out to be the only option, will my teeth be removed from the roots? Is anything else possible? I really ...  Read Full »

Dr. Nivedita Dalmia

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I would suggest that you can go for full ceramic crowns instead of veneers. Full ceramic crowns are expensive, but they are esthetically very good.   Read Full »

How to make white spots on teeth less noticeable?

Query: Hi doctor, I recently started getting white spots on my two front teeth. What is it? How can I make it less noticeable?  Read Full »

Dr. Subha

Answer: Hello, Welcome to White spots on the teeth might be due to: Plaque (tartar) accumulation on the teeth due to improper brushing. Decalcification of the outer enamel layer of the tooth called the enamel hypoplasia. Initial stages of tooth decay called incipient caries. Fluorosis. ...  Read Full »

Can I revert my face profile after orthodontic treatment?

Query: Hello doctor,Will re-opening my extraction space cause relapse? Would it bring my face back to a pre-extraction profile? I have had braces for two years and got extraction six months ago to correct a slight flaring, but I regret it. I have a sunken face and lazy eyes now. Kindly suggest.  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Although I cannot say much without actually seeing and examining your case, you cannot go back to your previous state before extraction. It would be too much trauma to the moving teeth and may cause irreparable harm. You can ask your orthodontist to finish your case a...  Read Full »

How can we treat the gaps between the teeth?

Query: Hi doctor, I am 31 years old. I have gaps between my teeth. Can it be closed? By which process can it be closed?  Read Full »

Dr. Divya Banu M

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through the image (attachment removed to protect patient identity). We can try composite filling or veneer or porcelain veneers. But, it will make your teeth look broader and will affect your esthetics, as the gaps are generalized in the front teeth. Hen...  Read Full »

What are the ways to whiten my teeth?

Query: Hello doctor, I am hoping you can help answer a teeth whitening question for me. I just finished using Crest 3D white strips 10 pack, and they barely worked. I am supposed to be getting a crown over my top right eye tooth, but I told my dentist that I would like to whiten beforehand so my crown wo...  Read Full »

Dr. Mousam Chattopadhyay

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through your query, as a specialist I would like to inform you that whitening strips are not at all effective as the whitening trays. Whitening tray has bleaching action. As you are not getting any positive results even after using 10 strips and also you ...  Read Full »

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