Common "Warts" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


Warts are small growths that can appear anywhere in the body, and usually look like a small blister with an uneven surface. They are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). In most people, a wart clears on its own in a few days, or it can take years. Other treatment options include cryotherapy, topical Salicyclic acid, and surgical removal.

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I had a pimple that I scratched and looks bad now. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor,One month ago, I had a pimple on my cheek. I scratched it due to itching. And after it almost started to harden I again scratched it. Now it has become an outgrowth like structure and looking bad after shaving. Kindly give a suitable medication for this.  Read Full »

Dr. Sreelakshmi. S

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Although the photograph (attachment removed to protect patient identity) is not clear enough to distinguish from a wart or keloid, from your history it seems to be a keloid from a pimple you scratched. The prognosis of the keloid is often unpredictable, but quite often th...  Read Full »

How to manage the scab that occurs after my wart removal?

Query: Hello doctor, I had a bump on my arm. I thought it was a burn so I broke it and it became more prominent. It was there for almost two months. So I went to a skin doctor, and they said it is a wart from a germ. They gave me three options. Either apply a cream, liquid nitrogen, and laser (C02fl). I c...  Read Full »

Dr. Shanza Ikram

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your case (attachment removed to protect patient identity). In my opinion, it is posted inflammatory scab or crust. You need not to worry about this lesion. Whenever wart is treated either with lotion or with cautery or with CO2 laser, in the end,...  Read Full »

I want to know about the HPV vaccine. Kindly guide.

Query: Hello doctor, I recently heard about the HPV vaccine and its role in preventing human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. I want to learn more about this vaccine and whether it suits me. Could you explain how the HPV vaccine works and who should be vaccinated? Additionally, I am interested in knowing ab...  Read Full »

Dr. C. Elanchezhian

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. HPV stands for human papillomavirus. HPV is a common sexually transmitted infection that usually shows no symptoms and goes away by itself but can sometimes cause warts and cancer. In men, HPV vaccination helps protect against genital wart...  Read Full »

I have wart-like bumps on my foot. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have wart-like bumps on my foot. I thought it was a wart, but in the last several months, it has progressed much further, and now there are many on my foot. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Suvash Sahu

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have seen your query and concern and examined your picture (attachment removed to protect the patient's identity). With your descriptions and given picture, it seems you have multiple plantar warts. Wart occurs due to one of these reasons say pricking, thorn, or fr...  Read Full »

I saw some boils on my face during shaving. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I noticed some boils while shaving. I have attached the pictures, what can they be? How long will it take for them to go? Sometimes, shaving is painful because of them.  Read Full »

Dr. Gaurang Gupta

Answer: Hello, Welcome to By the pictures (attachment removed to protect patient identity), it looks like facial warts. Warts are painless solid mass, which gradually increase in number. It will also increase if you shave again and again. You have to go to a nearby dermatologist and get it re...  Read Full »

There is a painless black growth on my knee. What could this be?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 56-year-old male. There is a painless black growth on the left knee, and that has been there for around two years now. My doctor advised me to use Duofilm (Lactic acid and Salicylic acid collodion) topical lotion in a recent visit. This reduced the size of the growth a little bit. ...  Read Full »

Dr. Jyotisterna Mittal

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The growth is a viral wart. It is a form of superficial viral growth on the skin. Yes, it usually increases in size if left untreated and can spread to other body parts by direct contact. They are best dealth with radiocautery, which is a simple office based surgery d...  Read Full »

Kindly suggest a good treatment for my friend who has a lot of pimples, black spots, and warts.

Query: Hello doctor, I am sending the photos of my friend who has a lot of pimples, black spots, and many warts on his face and neck. He is not happy with the look on his face. He does not have any medical issues. Would you please suggest some better protocol for a complete cure and glowing skin? Thanks.  Read Full »

Dr. Dhepe Snehal Madhav

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I suggest the following. Apply Nadibact cream (Nadifloxacin) twice daily for 15 days on inflammatory lesions on the face and beard. Use Ketoscalp shampoo (Ketoconazole and Zinc Pyrithione) on an alternate day for two weeks. After that, twice weekly for six weeks. App...  Read Full »

My son has a painless bump on his palm. Can it be a wart?

Query: Hi doctor, My son, who is 6 years old, has a bump on the palm of his hand. It is a hard bump, and he is on antibiotic Cefalexin 259 mg. Is this a wart? It does not pain on touching. He has had this for about a week and a half. His primary care doctor did not seem to know what it was so she prescribe...  Read Full »

Dr. Saira Mohsin

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have seen the photo (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Yes, it seems like a viral wart You should go for electrocautery from some nearby hospital or from a dermatologist. I suggest giving him multivitamin syrup regularly for about a month to boost his i...  Read Full »

What are these small flesh-colored bumps on my fingers?

Query: Hello doctor,I have had eczema on the inside of my right hand for about ten years now. It seems like it has slowly started to heal. But now I have a new problem popping up. There are small flesh-colored bumps on my fingers that are multiplying in clusters. They look and feel like small clauses. Afte...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashwini. V. Swamy

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I saw your clinical picture (attachments removed to protect patient identity). You have rough raised slots on your fingers. These are palmar warts. Wart is a viral infection caused by the human papillomavirus. This is a contagious condition. It will spread to other ...  Read Full »

Why do I have an itchy, tender, small growth in my hand?

Query: Hi doctor, I have a very small growth-like in my hand for a month now. Actually, it started itching and the area surrounding is tender. I have attached the picture for your reference.  Read Full »

Dr. Gaurang Gupta

Answer: Hello, Welcome to There are two diagnoses, which matches with your pictures (attachment removed to protect patient identity) and symptoms. The first one is infected nevus sebaceous and the second one is infected wart. Now let us differentiate the two diseases. Nevus sebaceous is a typ...  Read Full »

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