Common "Weaning" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


The process of introducing the baby to solid foods is called weaning. It is usually started at about six months when the baby begins to require other supplements like iron and zinc, which are not available in milk. Before this, the babies are wholly dependent on breast milk or formula milk. Weaning does not necessarily mean withdrawing milk. It suggests the introduction of solid foods along with breast milk or formula milk.

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Is it ideal to wean my 16-month-old infant off breast milk entirely?

Query: Hello doctor, I have a 16-month-old who still breastfeeds at night. He would much rather breastfeed during the day than eat a proper meal, but I try to restrict breastfeeding to bedtime while I give him formula twice a day as a snack. He used to eat very well, but suddenly, at around 11 months, he b...  Read Full »

Dr. Veerabhadrudu Kuncham

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and can understand your concern. Offer a variety of nutritious foods at meals and snacks, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein-rich foods, and dairy. Be patient, and continue to expose your child to different flavors and textures, even ...  Read Full »

What are the foods that I can introduce to my 5-month-old baby?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a working woman and would like to resume my job when my son turns 5 months old. What are the foods that I can introduce to my baby? Can I start with formula feed or ragi porridge? Kindly advise.  Read Full »

Dr. Veerabhadrudu Kuncham

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. Breastfeeding is recommended for the first six months. In cases where the mother is working, expressed breast milk or freshly prepared formula feeds can be given. Foods like ragi (finger millet) porridge have to be started from the seventh...  Read Full »

My kid does not take anything except breastfeed. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor, My 15 months old baby girl does not eat anything at all and does not take a bottle or sippy cup, only breastfeed. I have tried everything but all in vain. I am very much worried now because she is very weak.  Read Full »

Dr. Faisal Abdul Karim Malim

Answer: Hello, Welcome to 1. It is a slow and painful process for weaning off milk. The best way is to keep trying. 2. In some instances,you may withdraw the milk completely so that the child is made to feel that she will not get any milk now and only food. Try to find out which particular fo...  Read Full »

My 2-year-old son does not eat or drink milk. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, My 2-year-old boy does not eat food and does not drink milk. I am very worried. Can you kindly suggest me right treatment to solve this problem?  Read Full »

Dr. Bhaisara Baraturam Bhagrati

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Kids disliking food or milk is a very strange state. This usually it happens due to faulty weaning practices. I suggest the following: Check his weight. Is he losing weight? Weight loss needs to be evaluated with blood tests like haemoglobin. Worm infestation is v...  Read Full »

Please suggest some medicine to delay periods.

Query: Hello doctor, I am 26 years old. I am breastfeeding (not exclusively) my 9-month-old baby due to which I am having irregular periods almost every month. They get delayed for 10 to 15 days. Now, I am on vacation and really do not want my periods for at least 10 days to come as there will be a lot of ...  Read Full »

Dr. Uzma Arqam

Answer: Hello, Welcome to In breastfeeding, serum prolactin increases. That helps in milk production. Even for increasing breast milk production, sometimes prolactin has been given. Prolactin depresses/reduces/disturbs the menstrual cycle. Before six months of age, it is better for breastfeed...  Read Full »

How can I make the child wean from breastfeeding to bottle feeding?

Query: Hello doctor, My 7-month-old baby does not want to feed on the bottle. I am currently breastfeeding and I want to feed her Enfamil. What can I do about it? She is not gaining weight. Her weight is consistent at 16.53 lbs since she was 4 months old. But she is good. No illness. But my main complaint ...  Read Full »

Dr. Bhaisara Baraturam Bhagrati

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I understand your concern. Bottle feeding is not recommended to any child for long term. You can try spoon feeding. Yes, it will not be easy to shift from breastfeeding to top feed. Should try gradually. As per WHO, the baby should be continued on breastfeeding for a mi...  Read Full »

My baby does not feed when given an advanced formula. Why?

Query: Hi doctor,My baby is one and a half years old, and taking formula milk. Now we changed to stage two of the same brand, but he is not drinking it. I think it is a problem in swallowing the formula feed. What to do? Can I change the milk to one that suits him? Please advise.Thank you.  Read Full »

Dr. Amit Kumar Modi

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. Your child, who is around 18 months old, is formula-fed through a bottle and nipple. But now he has a problem accepting the same. Since you are giving formula feed, you always have a choice to shift to other formula feed available from di...  Read Full »

Is there any alternate for dairy milk for my 7-month-old kid?

Query: Hi doctor, My baby girl entered seventh month a few days back. Doctor here suggested to feeding my baby with Medolac apple flavor two times a day and dairy milk. We started the same for 10 days, and the baby did not have any allergy or problems. But still, I have a doubt. Is dairy milk good for my...  Read Full »

Dr. Suresh Kumar G D

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You have asked an appropriate question related to weaning your baby girl. Her growth (height and weight) looks good. You may know that it is a usual practice to start weaning the baby after he/she completes six months of age. There are several ways of doing it. 1. I...  Read Full »

Why is my baby vomiting after eating solids?

Query: Hello doctor, My daughter is just five and a half months old and yesterday I started her on solids. Before that, she was exclusively on breast milk. I gave her a packaged wheat and apple baby food. Two hours after she ate it, she vomited everything out. So, the rest of the day I just gave her brea...  Read Full »

Dr. Preeti Puranik

Answer: Hello, Welcome to At the age of five and a half months, a baby will sit only with support. Neck holding is attained only by three to six months. So, it is normal. About the feeding, the ideal time to switch to weaning foods is when the baby completes six months. Until then breast milk ...  Read Full »

How long does the uterine lining take to become thick after weaning for conception?

Query: Hi doctor, I exclusively breastfed for 17 months, while trying to conceive a handful of times. I believe that I conceived, but implantation failed. My gynecologist suggested to wean and then try, and maybe my uterine lining needed to be thickened. I weaned two months ago, and so far both cycles have...  Read Full »

Dr. Neha Rathod

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Please get a scan done around the ovulation time, to rule out the exact cause. This will help us know where exactly things are going wrong. Get started with Folic acid supplements. Do get back to me with reports, so that I can guide you further.   Read Full »

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