Common "Western Blot Test" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Western Blot Test

The Western blot test is used to diagnose HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection. The collected blood sample is tested for the presence of HIV antibodies produced by the body to the virus and not the virus itself. This test is used along with the ELISA test to confirm HIV infection.

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Am I at risk of contracting HIV after having protected sex?

Query: Hello doctor, Two months ago I had sex with a female sex worker. It was oral and vaginal, both condom protected. The condom did not break or slip off, I withdrew from her right after ejaculation. The girl was clean and young. The intercourse took place in her apartment. Am I at risk of contracting H...  Read Full »

Dr. Kiran Anaparthi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to First, protective sexual activity will keep you safe and any STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) will increase chances of infection (an ulcer on genital has highest chances). In the above scenario, you are mostly protected from infection. As it happened two months ago, you...  Read Full »

I had unprotected oral sex with a CSW. Should I be worried about HIV?

Query: Hello doctor, My concern is that I engaged in unprotected oral sex with a CSW (Community Sex Worker) a few months ago. Since then, I have experienced recurring lymphadenopathy up to the present date. I underwent an HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) TRI-DOT test after a month, which returned a nega...  Read Full »

Dr. Ravinder K. Sachdeva

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understood your concern. Engaging in unprotected oral sex carries a relatively low risk of contracting HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), particularly if bleeding gums or active oral ulcers are absent. Given that the last exposure occurred severa...  Read Full »

I took CMIA test 100 days after unprotected sex. Is it conclusive?

Query: Hello doctor, I had unprotected sex with a sex worker five months back. After that every month I have taken CMIA fourth generation test. After almost 100 days, I took WB test. Then today I took again CMIA test. It is all negative but every month the index values are getting increased from 0.10 to no...  Read Full »

Dr. Basti Bharatesh Devendra

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The HIV tests are repeatedly negative and after three months exposure. It is conclusive. You are free from HIV. There is no need for further HIV tests. The symptoms are non-specific and are not related to HIV.   Read Full »

What are the recommended detectable tests for HIV?

Query: Hello doctor, I did protected sex with a known lady two times, (65 days before and 36 days back). She has breast milk, I swallowed a couple of drops at that time. I felt fatigue, and a couple of bumps on the back of the neck after five days of second exposure. I got tested HIV duo combo after 28...  Read Full »

Dr. Noushin Payravi

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Thanks for sharing your medical info with us. In terms of HIV detection tests, ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test) is the first test to be done and then if positive, western blot is recommended. You and your partner have both tested negative with rapid H...  Read Full »

Will certain medicines interfere with HIV test results?

Query: Hello doctor, Does Ashwagandha delay on HIV test? Does any medicine delay on HIV test? How accurate is the HIV test in six months with the fourth generation?  Read Full »

Dr. Penchilaprasad Kandikattu

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Usually, Ashwagandha shows some beneficial results like neuroprotective effect or boosting immunity in HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) positive patients on a part of the treatment plan. But it is not going to delay any HIV test. Usually, after exposure to HIV ...  Read Full »

I got tested for HIV, and the results came back negative.

Query: Hello doctor, I have taken a HIV test due to a recent possible exposure. The incident happened 60 days ago. So, I did a rapid HIV test. It is negative. I also did a Western blot test. HIV 1 and HIV 2 are negative, but the serum control band is present. What does it mean? Is it indicative of an HIV i...  Read Full »

Dr. Basti Bharatesh Devendra

Answer: Hello,Welcome to can understand your concern.It is good that the HIV rapid and Western blot tests are negative after 60 days of exposure. The chances of HIV tests coming positive later are almost negligible. But it is better to go for an HIV antibodies test after three months of exposu...  Read Full »

My Western blot test is not negative. What does this mean?

Query: Hello doctor, I have undergone a wide range of HIV testing. The test values are - On 78, 88, 96, 110, 120, 126, 158, 164, and 168th day, the fourth generation antigen and antibody tests were all negative, and on the 32nd and 64th days, HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) rapid test was negative. HIV 1...  Read Full »

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Bahunuthula

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have read your query and understand your concern. As the tests beyond 12 weeks are negative, you can consider yourself not to have acquired the infection. Indeterminate result in Western blot is a false positive as it does not correspond with the other test results. T...  Read Full »

I received a negative western blot test result at 16 weeks post-exposure. Is it reliable?

Query: Hi doctor, I am 26-years-old. Doctor has recommended western blot for HIV 1 and 2 as a screening test. I obtained a negative western blot (RIBA) for HIV 1 and 2. I also had a negative CMIA test at 12 weeks post exposure. My questions are: 1) Is a negative western blot 100% accurate and reliable at ...  Read Full »

Dr. Ravinder K. Sachdeva

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. The answers to your queries are: Western blot test at 16 weeks is extremely accurate. However, as antibodies might take variable time to develop, therefore the tests are recommended at repeat intervals. These days H...  Read Full »

I have positive IgG HSV-2 on a blood test but negative on the western blot test. Kindly help.

Query: Hi doctor, Six months before, I ordered an STD panel and received a high level of herpes-2 on the IgG test. I did a retest using IgG four days later and got a high result. Then about six weeks later, I sent in a sample for western blot, and it came back negative for types 1 and 2. My partner did the...  Read Full »

Dr. N. Ashok Viswanath

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I can understand your concern. Your herpes-2-IgG is positive, and your western blot test is negative in the report (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity). Since your western blot (gold standard serological test) came negative, we can take it as conclusi...  Read Full »

What HIV test should I go for if my suspected exposure was 45 days ago?

Query: Hello doctor, What is the window period for HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) western blot test from the date of a suspected exposure? And, what is the accuracy of the test?  Read Full »

Dr. Meha Malhotra

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Western blot is a confirmatory test for HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), not a primary one. It is highly sensitive and specific. It comes positive in six to eight weeks of exposure.   Read Full »

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