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HomeAnswersHematologywhite blood cellsI have endometriosis and a high WBC count. Kindly help.

What could be the reason for gradually increasing blood values?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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iCliniq medical review team

Published At January 21, 2024
Reviewed AtFebruary 2, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

For the past 10 years, my white blood count has been high. It has gradually just been rising more and more and in the last three years, it has been at its highest. Right now, my full white blood count is at around 20,000 WBC per microliter. My lymphocytes have been continuing to rise and are now at its highest. My eosinophils, neutrophils, and my platelet counts are also high. My platelet count is about 5,60,000 platelets per microliter of blood.

My red blood cell count is normal but when looked deep, my serum transferrin is high, and my transferrin saturation is low at just 9 %. I have endometriosis stage 4. I have had no energy in these last two years. My muscles and joints hurt so badly. Most days I struggle to just get out of bed. I am literally always in bed. I have hot sweats and have started having skin breakouts. Strange rashes come and go. My appetite is not great either. I have a wheezy chest and I feel more breathless, and I have started having migraines and occasionally I suffer from bad vertigo. I have also started suffering badly from brain fog. I have taken the following blood tests:

  1. FBC (full blood count) blood film microscopy.
  2. Bone profile.
  3. Serum C-reactive protein test.
  4. Liver function test.
  5. Urea and electrolytes.
  6. Serum iron.
  7. Serum B12.
  8. Serum ferritin.
  9. Hemoglobin A1C.
  10. Tissue transglutaminase IgA.
  11. Clotting screening.
  12. Serum TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) level.
  13. Serum Ca (Calcium).
  14. Thyroid function test.

I am currently taking Oramorph, Co-codamol, and Amitriptyline. Kindly help.

Answered by Dr. Ayesha Khanum


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I can understand your concern and I will try to help you with it.

There can be multiple causes for high WBC (white blood cell) count and one such cause can be endometriosis. However, we have to assess other possible causes. Since you are having constitutional symptoms like sweating and body aches, you need a complete evaluation. How many lymphocytes are there in our blood report? Kindly share your detailed reports. Absolute lymphocytosis can be due to some hematological disorders which can become malignant (cancerous). I do not want to scare you because there are a lot of benign conditions that can lead to high WBC count. So, I need your complete CBC (complete blood count) with peripheral film. Please share your reports for further evaluation. Try to reduce taking morphine and codeine.

I wish you good health.

Thank you.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Ayesha Khanum
Dr. Ayesha Khanum


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