Common "Dry Eyes" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Dry Eyes

An eye condition where the tears are not able to provide enough lubrication to the eyes is called dry eyes. It can occur when the tears production is less or the quality of the tears produced is poor. The other symptoms are sensitivity to light, redness of the eye, difficulty driving, watery eyes, blurred vision, and stringy mucus around the eyes.

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All the answers published in this website are written by verified medical doctors, therapists and health experts. The Content has been moderated by iCliniq medical review team before publication. Post your medical clarifications on iCliniq by choosing the right specialty and get them answered. Your medical queries will be answered 24/7 by top doctors from iCliniq.

Why do I have itching and redness in the eye when I wake up in the morning?

Query: Hello doctor, I have had itchy eyes when I wake in the morning and look inflamed. Also, on rubbing, my eyes become red. Sometimes, the itching would persist for the whole day. Kindly help.  Read Full »

Dr. Gargi Madhukar Apte

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. From the symptoms, it could be dry eye with allergic conjunctivitis, for which I suggest you Eye drop Relub (Sodium Carboxy Methyl Cellulate) or any lubricating drop available at 0.5 percent four times a day for two weeks. Hot fomentation ...  Read Full »

I have pain, irritation, and dryness of eyes. Please help me out.

Query: Hi doctor, I am a student, and I stay in a highly polluted area. I got shifted here five months ago. Early in the morning as soon as I wake up for five to ten minutes, my eyes start paining and irritating. Few times it also turns red. Due to this I could not wake up on time and also feel uncomfortab...  Read Full »

Dr. Anand Yattinamani

Answer: Hi, Welcome to By your description, it looks like a condition called vernal keratoconjunctivitis. It is a type of allergic condition. It increases in summer and dusty polluted environment. I suggest you wash your eyes with cold filter water twice a day. Also, use Pataday eye drops (Olo...  Read Full »

My eye burns and itches while using contact lenses. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have contacts on and they bother me so much. If I take them out I want to scratch so bad, my eye burns and itches.  Read Full »

Dr. Asif Manzoor

Answer: Hi, Welcome to If you are having trouble with your contacts, you should discontinue wearing contacts and consult an ophthalmologist for an eye exam. Discomfort with contacts may be due to allergy to contacts or lens solution or it may be due to dry eyes (due to contacts) and in such c...  Read Full »

Why are there light flashes with burning sensations in the eye?

Query: Hello doctor, I work on the computer for over 10 hours daily. I have dry eyes and minus power of 1.75 in both eyes. However, of late I see light flashes in left eye followed by heat like sensation coming out from the eye. Please advise.  Read Full »

Dr. Rahul Vaswani

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Heat sensations are due to continuous computer work. Always use a well light room. The light position should be behind your head not in front. Screen height should be below eye level.Every 20 minutes take your eyes off the screen and try to relax for 20 seconds try t...  Read Full »

I have a cloudy vision in my right eye without pain and redness. Why?

Query: Hi doctor,I woke up with a thin cloudy film on my eyeball and it gave me a cloudy vision on my right eye. I do not have redness or pain or discharge. It is now for two days. What to do?   Read Full »

Dr. Pandya Pooja Girishbhai

Answer: Hi, Welcome to You have to send your eye photos for my reference and it can help to get an idea about your condition. After seeing it properly, I can guide you further. Photo is a must to plan further.  Read Full »

What medication can be used to cure blurred vision after using laptop?

Query: Hello doctor, I play games on my laptop for hours a day and after a few hours, my eyes become little blurry especially my left eye. It is not that I cannot see a thing but I cannot see clearly either as compared to my right eye. I can see fully clear when it is about 5 to 10 cm from my eye (letters...  Read Full »

Dr. Asif Manzoor

Answer: Hi, Welcome to If you having blurring of vision in one or both eyes first thing to do is get your eyes checked for refractive error, you might need glasses. And glasses will solve your problem. Other cause of blurring after an excess laptop or digital devices use may be dry eyes. Peop...  Read Full »

I feel eye pain and irritation after wearing contact lenses. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I am out on a business trip. Yesterday, after 14 hours flight in which I wore my contacts (which are 30 days disposable Air Optix ) for about 20 straight hours, I took them out. After that, the vision in my right eye became cloudy and blurry but no pain. No issues with my left eye....  Read Full »

Dr. Prashant Koranmath

Answer: Hello, Welcome to This might be due to dry eyes. The contact lens should be worn maximum for eight to 12 hours only. The contact lens wear for a long time also cuts down the oxygen supply to cornea, which gets oxygen from the atmosphere. If the eyes are not red, discharge, watering yo...  Read Full »

I have redness, pain, and dryness in the eyes. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have redness, pain, and dryness in the eyes and have been going through dry eye treatment for the last four months. Only recently has the dry eye been diagnosed with an inflammatory condition. I have been given Restasis three times a day, Trehalube three times a day, and Genteal gel ...  Read Full »

Dr. Manjunath Natarajan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through what you have mentioned. I have also reviewed your attached reports (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity). From your description, you might be suffering from dry eyes with corneal involvement and are being treated for the same. ...  Read Full »

Can accidental entry of metal shavings into eyes cause dry eyes and cataract?

Query: Hello doctor, I had an injury to my eyes seven months back. I got metal shavings in both and had to remove and left scars on my retina. Since then everything is blurry and went to the eye doctor last month. My prescription has not changed. They say I have dry eye and starting of cataracts. Can the ...  Read Full »

Dr. Asif Manzoor

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Blurred vision may be due to a corneal problem, cataract or retinal scars. After trauma, all these complications can occur. Dry eyes will improve with artificial tears and cornea will get normal. But any corneal scar or opacity will remain and can hinder in vision. Cata...  Read Full »

I had LASIK surgery, and now my eyes are becoming dry. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, About two years ago, I did LASIK surgery to correct my short-sightedness. I recovered from it and have a normal vision now. The trouble note is my eyes get dry soon. And sometimes, when I wake up, I cannot even open my eyes as it is too dry, and I need to keep them closed until it wate...  Read Full »

Dr. Vaibhev Mittal

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I am sorry, but there is no permanent treatment or cure for dry eyes, but yes with treatment, your life will become comfortable. To treat dry eyes, we need to find the type and severity of dry eyes. The type of dry eyes is established by the clinical examination of the...  Read Full »

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