Answered by Dr. Aditi Dubey

Answered by Dr. Aditi Dubey

What could be done to resolve strabismus?

Hi doctor,

I am 18 years old, and as a child, I suffered from strabismus (right eye outwards, especially in the sun, I think it was 45 degrees). This was discovered when I was about three years old and operated on when I was eight years old. Both my eyes were operated on, to adjust the muscles in the best way. I remember exercising when I was little wearing glasses. However, I noticed in the mirror that I can move my eyes outward at will while looking straight. I can do this with both eyes and bring them back as I want. I can also cover the other with my hand so that it returns. My eyes are always straight when I look in the mirror and pictures. I have noticed that my eyes get tired and sore in the evenings or after a lot of reading or similar activities. But I am not sure if that is normal, or if I may be imagining it. I am worried that it is too late for surgery, considering my age. Will I have to wear glasses throughout if I am diagnosed with something else, even though I do not have any vision problems? The magnetic resonance and the neurological examination that I did recently are normal. I do not have any other problems otherwise. I am just afraid that my eye might turn out, and be observed by someone. Can strabismus ever spontaneously disappear over time? Please help.

Thank you.

09 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

What causes nystagmus in the remaining functional eye?

Hello doctor,

I have been diagnosed with Coats disease since I was three years old, resulting in blindness in my left eye. Recently, I have noticed nystagmus in my right eye, which is my only functioning eye. While my doctor mentioned that this might be nystagmus, I have not had a chance to discuss it further. I am curious if there is a connection between unilateral blindness and nystagmus, and how this might occur. Could you please explain the relationship and advise on what steps I should take next?

Kindly help.

Thank you.

08 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

How can a child with amblyopia be effectively managed?

Hi doctor,

My child was diagnosed with amblyopia, having unaided visual acuity of R 6/60 and L 6/6 after complaining of blurry vision for a few weeks. Please provide me with guidance.

24 May 2024 - 1 min read

Could a foreign object in the eye be causing my symptoms?

Hello doctor,

I believe I may have a foreign object in my eye, resembling a hair, but upon examination, there is no visible obstruction. Researching my symptoms led me to consider a detached retina. I consulted a doctor, but I could not comprehend the diagnosis. The doctor mentioned elevated eye pressure during the examination. Kindly help.

Thank you.

20 May 2024 - 1 min read

What are the effects of minor trauma on congenitally blind eye?

Hello doctor,

I am a 41-year-old male with congenital blindness, cortical vision impairment, and nystagmus in the left eye. The right eye has no light perception but does have awareness of extremely bright light. There is no known history of lens subluxation or dislocation. I use Ventolin for asthma and Exlazone, a corticosteroid, for mild asthma.

Approximately two months ago, I bumped into a branch, experiencing some discomfort at the time. Although there is no pain now, I have noticed a change in the appearance. While I understand that a slit lamp is the appropriate diagnostic tool, I wonder if there is anything you can discern from this photo regarding potential conditions, such as a cataract or subluxated lens? I am not overly concerned due to the absence of pain, and I am mindful of the possibility of secondary glaucoma. However, I would greatly appreciate any brief insights you could offer based on this external image.

Thank you.

08 May 2024 - 1 min read

Dr. Aditi Dubey
Ophthalmology (Eye Care)




Ophthalmology (Eye Care)

Specialized Treatments

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