Answered by Dr. Himayoon Majeed Mir

Answered by Dr. Himayoon Majeed Mir

How to control swelling and pain due to a tooth abscess?

Hello doctor,

I have an abscess behind my upper right tooth. It is really painful and swollen. I cannot go to the dentist until next week. How long will it take for the swelling to go down and the pain to reduce?

14 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

Can immediate denture over an implant post-month be done?

Hi doctor,

What are the ramifications if you lose 20 pounds with new dental implants? I have lost seven pounds since this month. Also, having immediate dentures over implants, my dentist gave me a water pik and said it is fine to leave the immediate dentures in for a month while my extraction area is healing. I am worried that it is too long and infection could set in. Lastly, she also said having a few drinks was fine. Is it so? They are mini implants I had put in (six of them) with new immediate upper dentures.

30 May 2024 - 1 min read

Can rinsing with salt water after extraction cause problems?

Hello doctor,

After tooth extraction surgery, I accidentally rinsed with salt water after two hours of the surgery. Will it effect anything?

10 May 2024 - 1 min read

Why does a tooth change color after trauma?

Hello doctor,

When I was 11 years old, I was knocked off my bike and cracked my front tooth in half horizontally, shortly after the dentist fixed it. Since then I have had no problems with it and had multiple x-rays to check on it. When it happened, the color of the tooth changed very slightly, to a very slightly more yellow shade than the rest of my teeth. I am curious to know what happened when the trauma occurred. Did my tooth die? What are they checking for when they x-ray the tooth?

07 May 2024 - 1 min read

Is apicoectomy needed for RCT with a short working length?

Hello doctor,

I got my front (upper 12 probably) tooth RCT done six months ago. The RCT was short because I experienced acute pain beyond that point. RCT is about 1.8 mm short. He then suggested getting apicoectomy because RCT was incomplete. From a second opinion, the other doctor recommended a re-RCT. What should I do? Do I need to get the surgical procedure done? I have no symptoms of pain in the tooth. My teeth are generally weak and hence a little pressure is felt. The tooth area is mildly sensitive, but I suspect it to be from other nearby infected tooth.

06 May 2024 - 1 min read

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