Answered by Dr. Ummah Mohammad

Answered by Dr. Ummah Mohammad

Is root canal treatment necessary for a broken tooth?

Hi doctor,

Before two weeks, a small piece of my tooth got broken. I have pain for a week. My pain is getting worse. I went to a dentist today and he took an X-ray. After taking the X-ray, he gave me two suggestions. The first option is root canal treatment and the other one is extraction. Is this really necessary? What is your opinion? I have attached the X-ray.

14 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

What causes gum-like tissue growth inside the tooth?

Hello doctor,

My tooth got a hole at the center (up to down) and it was hurting since years, but later it stopped hurting. Few months before the gums started to form inside the hole. Now the gums are swollen, and recently when I was brushing my teeth, a hole has formed on the sides of that swollen gums and it did not hurt. I tried sucking the gums and it started to bleed. So now I do not know what to do. Please help.

05 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

What causes painful red spots on the gum, despite flossing?

Hello doctor,

I have a red spot on my gum, and it is painful. I have been keeping a good flossing routine for about a week now.

Kindly help.

04 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

Why is there a pain in gums in the wisdom tooth area?

Hello doctor,

My gums near the area where the wisdom tooth should grow started feeling painful, but not much. Whenever I chew near that area, it would hurt. I thought of myself, it is probably because my wisdom tooth is coming out (as there was a sort of bulge where my wisdom tooth should come out). The next day, I noticed that the gums near the area where the wisdom tooth should grow started swelling around the tooth before it. And while looking into the mouth, I poked the swollen area accidentally, and pus came out of the swollen gums. What is that? Should I consult a dentist or just taking medicines is enough? If so, what medicine would you prescribe?

03 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

How to treat lower tooth pain?

Hi doctor,

I am having pain in my lower tooth whenever I go to sleep. Due to lockdown, I am unable to consult the dentist. Can you please tell me any tablet that I can use in the meantime.

24 May 2024 - 1 min read

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