Answered by Dr. Aneel Kumar

Answered by Dr. Aneel Kumar

What can be done to manage an aggressive patient?

Hello doctor,

My father is 69 years old. We live in a one room small house. He continuously speaks loudly the whole day long. He beats my elder sister and always argues with everyone at home. Every other day there is quarrel in my house. He is not an alcoholic but he never understands others. He always mentally tortures us, taunts us. It has been impossible for me to live there. This excessive mental torture is too much for me. I am totally frustrated. Please suggest me something otherwise it will be not possible for me to live life. He is rude to us only and listens to the radio. He is suffering from thyroid and taking 50 mg medicine for this.

05 Jun 2024 - 1 min read

How to support a teen struggling with mental health issues?

Hello doctor,

I am 18, and I desperately need help, which is why I am here. I do not even know if anyone will understand my pain or if it is important to anyone else. I want to live, but I feel trapped. I hate my life and myself. It all started when I learned about love. Now, all I crave is to love and be loved, almost obsessively. I have lost sight of the purpose of my life. I feel like a monster, both on the outside and inside. I experience hallucinations, like seeing myself running away from someone. There are countless reasons why I feel like dying, but deep down, I just want to live a normal life.

I have a wonderful family, but I do not feel close enough to anyone to share what I am going through. Yesterday, during the Christmas Eve celebration at school, I felt an overwhelming hatred towards everyone around me, including myself and the passage of time.

During my free time, my mind spirals out of control. It feels like I am living in a movie, and to escape, I watch YouTube videos until I forget about reality. But I hate this feeling of detachment. Sometimes, during classes, I feel like I am on the brink of leaving the room because all I want is to speak with a psychiatrist. This monday, we are celebrating Christmas, and I know I would not be able to pretend to be happy. I have 11 days off, and I am afraid I will reach a breaking point if I do not get help soon. I am physically exhausted and carrying so much pain. Kindly help.

Thank you.

20 May 2024 - 1 min read

How to solve relationship issues with a girlfriend?

Hello doctor,

My girlfriend has changed a lot and she does not want to talk to me anymore. For me, she is my best friend and lover. I do not have anyone close to me other than her. I wanted to spend all my time with her and now it is not possible. I stay up the whole night for her messages and when she comes online in the morning, she will fight with me. That is the scenario now. What should I do now?

Please help.

20 May 2024 - 1 min read

Can Olanzapine cause blackout episodes when drunk?

Hello doctor,

Almost two years back, I was diagnosed with psychosis. I improved in two months after taking treatment. I took medicine (Olanzapine) for nearly 9 to 10 months then I stopped taking the medication as I recovered from it completely. I did not consult doctors. Still, my condition is good, and I face no such psychological problems. But I had a blackout episode lately when I was heavily drunk. Should I start taking the same medicine Olanzapine? As I do not want to go to for check-up any more.

10 May 2024 - 1 min read

How to overcome anger issues, binge eating, and depression?

Hi doctor,

I have a severe anger management problem. Sometimes I love my friends; sometimes, I hate them. I binge eat, drink vinegar, and hit myself many times when I make mistakes or overeat. I feel sad when it rains and cry in the middle of the night. I tend to regret what I have done.

I hate skinship and sex. I feel disgusted, and it's been a few years since i loved someone. Kindly help.

09 May 2024 - 1 min read

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